WoW Classic ERA Update 2022 Wrap-Up

It really depends on the comps you play against. Sure if BASED or Lmao just jum looser make premades, things get super tricky.
There are also omega powerful lonely wolves like Bitemi for example that can and will one shot you. He does however not pay objectives, so as long as you stay away from him is all good.
I have won a ton of games with my ally mage in blues. True I have lost a ton too, but I have managed to have a lot of fun!

thats complete nonsense. dont believe thiis “team Qing together - otherwise its fine” narrative. this would be the case if this was phase 4 and we would have a team pvp game. there are no “premades” as he claims. sometimes goofs from those 2 pvp guilds Q together (both guilds “BASED” as well as “LMAO JUST JUMP LOSER” have about the maturity level as 6 year old - “tons of fun” right there) but there is usually never more than 2 games on, so pre-making isnt a thing.

if you enter a BG in blue / green / T1 / T2 - you will not have a good time. Bananoid hasnt made it past R10 i believe, so he is in the casual bracket . if thats you , then you may also have a “ton of fun”

possible but likely only if you play horde. you essentially get carried. drawback is you need about 2x as much honor to advance in rank

This kind of drama is the sauce of Vanilla WoW :joy:

A guy knowing me, my alts, my rank, although I have zero clue who he is in-game lol

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This internet is amazing isnt it

Having an awesome time here,lots of ppl even at night forming groups for dung,there are tier 3 and high geared ppl around,doesn’t bother me a little,everyone is kind and helpful,not toxic like the 2020 times,really glad I moved here

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Thank you for the link! :slight_smile:

Sorry for the late response, i was busy in RL and had not much time for WoW/the forums the last two weeks.

I will add some infos in english in the EU-RP area and in german in the de-PVE-RP channel (we already have some english speaking players), and tag you there. you can then use the infos (Guild list) you need - but i have to write a bit more, the activity on Cele is not only within the guilds :slight_smile:

And it´s still a tiny realm, despite the fact that we are (slowly) growing…

One remark:
We were asking for 2.5 month to get a german RP Realm, which we got - Celebras.
When the devs murdered the TBCC realm, a good bunch just quit the game.

The same will probably happen, if the devs would just connect all era realms.
It´s already a pitty that they just removed the languages from the era realms.

I know, that some intentionally did NOT use the FCT to Pyrewood/Firemaw when the transfers were still active, and some used PCT to get back from Firemaw to Venoxis because they had, lets call it “unpleasend” encouters due to their bad english.

The wish of those who stayed behind on one of the former language specific realms, should be considered - IMHO.

Some of us went back to Cele, because it´s Cele - not everyone would play on Hydraxian Waterlords, for example.


nice post! cheers man!

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  1. nice post! cheers man!

Wow this is nicek

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Maybe one day it will be buy to play like guild wars and we will have a healthy population for pvp

Last AV weekend we had AVs open Friday to Monday with 4 concurrent AVs at a given time on Friday.

Just to put it into perspective, the first ERA AV ever which happened half a yer after Era’s establishment was celebrated as a huge success. Now 4 concurrents is normal business.

PvP pop will develop further as more and more levelers hit level 60. It is just a matter of time.


Yeah totally understandable. I said this because I never really considered the lesser amount of non-native english speaking players being a drawback or anything (I played on Zandalar Tribe as well and after the “great transfer” phase to TBC we remained on Era just like 10 people active daily and still enjoyed every moment of it) but potentially the missed chance of being able to enjoy a far more active AH and the bonus of being able to normally run dungeons without having to plan them long beforehand.

and 19s still growing
last Saturday we made a couple of games and the last map was an intensive 40 min Match
the twink discord is close to 100 member
not far away and we call a second game night for the weekends
19s is back on Classic

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Alliance/Horde Population on Firemaw?

Hey Pothi - Pop is 55/45 alliance at the moment. However, horde has more lvl 60s and more established guilds, and alliance more levelers. In any case, its very well balanced.

This is great news and a testament to all the work you guys are doing. Just for everyone’s info, we have a dedicated twink section on the big Era PvP section and a dedicated PvP twink server for all things Twinking and Twink’s pvp. Just ask in-game for it and anyone interested can easily find it out.


Started playing on Firemaw cluster recently and my god is it populated! A levelling guild with 1000 members and 100 online after peak hours! With retail and Wrath going on? Do people miss Classic or what!

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The irony of this post is that by the time I wrote it, we had clear leveling guilds and a very well defined guild/community structure that I could easily write about.

Now we can throw that out the window since there are a TON of new guilds with hundreds of people online that have made keeping track impossible :joy:

This sharp increase in population goes hand in hand with the fact ERA is just a great great place to be and it couldn’t remain hidden any longer.

My only wish is for all newcomers to adhere to the Era philosophy (laidback, no stress, no rat race playstyle). This is of course just my wish, people will do what they will do.

However, I also believe the pop that matures into level 60 raiders will most definitely understand the perks of being with us and what it all entails. We just have to keep working to shape our community’s culture and what we want to be.


Stop misleading people. Classic Era is dead and you are two years late. There is 0 fun with laidback, no stress, no rat race mentality. In order to have a great experience in Classic Vanilla you need many people, which clearly Era servers dont have.

IMO i would launch Classic Fresh when WOTLK is finished. 3 servers each region (PVP/PVE/HC) and then ADD CONTENT. aka Classic +

so please, stop promoting a dead game and bringing people in to lose their time

Quote of the month.

Hint: Classic Era is very much alive.