WoW Feedback, no king rules forever

:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

you puked on yourself?


Whenever I hear people call Legion a good expansion, my stomach reacts accordingly.

Truly the most vile expansion ever released.

i disagree.


That’d be in 2 weeks, so do it.

It’s okay.
I’ve documented the main reasons as to why Legion is garbage over the years:

legion was great a few patches in easily the best wow expansion ever much better then wrath of the lapdog king or the burning train wreck crusade

Complete and utter garbage expansion.
2 button class design, 0 alts allowed, annoying AP grind, butchering the lore and making the player character the leader of the class and wielder of Ashbringer, etc.
Just the worst.

Well as a no life pvpers i guess it would suck but for me it was GREAT :stuck_out_tongue:

do i look like i care?

This is your third answer.

You do care.
You’re just unable to come up with arguments.

i don’t need arguments, when i see a situation where one person likes someone and one doesnt, not everything has to ends in long forum discussion and arguments - If it’s something that bothers you and your tummy hurts when someone mentions “Legion”, then you should seek some IRL help really.

You claim that expansion X was better than expansion Y.
I disprove that claim with facts and logic.

If you’re unwilling to have discussions, maybe forums aren’t really your thing.

I disprove your claim with me enjoying Legion, after that you can pretty much just kiss my butt for goodbye.

You enjoying something does not make said thing good.

For me it was good and i spend good amount of time playing it.

Does your tummy hurts now? :smiley:

you saying it was bad doesn’t make it a bad expansion either


Let the man have his superiority, always right complex at least online, he doesn’t seem to have be given much atention IRL, since he’s trying to force people into discussions about his personal problems. ^^

I feel bad for that person.

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That’s why I provided a list of arguments explaining why it is.

those are also your personal opinions tho, i think class halls are the best addition to this game , i don’t think df is alt friendly either , don’t know about the 2 button stuff but i’ll take your word on that because i started playing in bfa, when i go back and follow the quests etc. lore feels amazing compared to the cartoon network show we have now.
(i followed legion on twitch & youtube btw, just couldn’t afford the game because i didn’t have a credit card)