WoW Feedback, no king rules forever

im one of those soloQ players that came back for soloQ
my only goal has been to get elite mog on my 3 characters
DF season 1 i got 2064 at my highest rating…
had the queue times been faster i would of gone for glad/rank1

but i just cant spend 2-6 hours of gametime each night with 40min game queues,

i set my bar so low to only achieve the elite mog because of FOMO. had the queue times been fast i would of tried to push more and play more

current mmr/cr im playing at 1800 vs rank 1 players in this season… wtf is happening?

theres no changes on the rise any time soon so i have jumped ship into another game ( Diablo 4 )

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i don’t play pvp, so the game doesn’t feel dead to me.

WoW playerbase numbers will never recover after SL, unless they do another expansion like Legion, that expansion pretty much brought back wow on its legs, even with some issues.

I enjoy DF but it’s not grabbing me fully, there are some quests like Blue dragonflight one that i love and many others, but i wouldn’t say that this expansion is in my top 5 even.

The megadungeon that is coming seems to be really awesome, but overall even when this expansion is not grabbing me fully, i can’t say that i feel like the game is dead because it’s pretty easy to find people to do pve content with.

that’s not what i mean, in wow, you need to do those activities over and over again to reach some certain stuff thanks to ratings/logs etc. that makes the game repetitive, seasonal gameplay is the issue , not because seasons are short .they’re long enough but the idea of reaching season goals make wow’s gameplay repetitive. for example in wotlk classic you do the raid once a week and then you’re free , you can’t do it over and over again to make progress faster so that reduces the repetitive side of raiding ( probably the only advantage of wotlk over retail)

:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

you puked on yourself?


Whenever I hear people call Legion a good expansion, my stomach reacts accordingly.

Truly the most vile expansion ever released.

i disagree.


That’d be in 2 weeks, so do it.

It’s okay.
I’ve documented the main reasons as to why Legion is garbage over the years:

legion was great a few patches in easily the best wow expansion ever much better then wrath of the lapdog king or the burning train wreck crusade

Complete and utter garbage expansion.
2 button class design, 0 alts allowed, annoying AP grind, butchering the lore and making the player character the leader of the class and wielder of Ashbringer, etc.
Just the worst.

Well as a no life pvpers i guess it would suck but for me it was GREAT :stuck_out_tongue:

do i look like i care?

This is your third answer.

You do care.
You’re just unable to come up with arguments.

i don’t need arguments, when i see a situation where one person likes someone and one doesnt, not everything has to ends in long forum discussion and arguments - If it’s something that bothers you and your tummy hurts when someone mentions “Legion”, then you should seek some IRL help really.

You claim that expansion X was better than expansion Y.
I disprove that claim with facts and logic.

If you’re unwilling to have discussions, maybe forums aren’t really your thing.

I disprove your claim with me enjoying Legion, after that you can pretty much just kiss my butt for goodbye.

You enjoying something does not make said thing good.

For me it was good and i spend good amount of time playing it.

Does your tummy hurts now? :smiley:

you saying it was bad doesn’t make it a bad expansion either