🐛 Баги (и не баги) патча 30.0.X + [FAQ]

Известные проблемы патча 22.0:

  • There was a short delay launching today’s patch on desktop. The issue causing that delay has been resolved and the patch is now available on all devices.
  • Lady Anacondra will not lower nature spells in your hand to 0 if you play Celestial Alignment while she is already in play. This issue has been entered for a hotfix planned for later this week.
  • Diablo appeared in some Battlegrounds lobbies even after he was supposed to be removed from the game. We believe we have now successfully banished him from the Battlegrounds.
  • A small number of players in EU servers had their Mercenaries season ended some hours early. The underlying issue was resolved to avoid this problem going forward. Affected players will be compensated at a later date.
  • (Added 11/30) We are aware of an issue that sometimes caused a Vanessa VanCleef Card or Portrait to appear in Mercenaries Packs. Vanessa VanCleef is currently intended to not appear in packs for at least the length of the Fractured in Alterac Valley expansion (the base Card is in the Rewards Track and the Portraits can be obtained with the Tavern Pass). This is a visual issue only—you are actually receiving Vanessa VanCleef Coins.
  • One of the new Duels Passive Treasures, Glacial Downpour, is not working as intended. A fix has been entered for a hotfix planned for later this week.
  • We are investigating reports that the Rogue portrait is being a little too Roguish and missing from some players’ “Hero picker” screens.
  • (Added 11/30) We are aware that in instances where you are awarded Fractured in Alterac Valley Packs, like at the end of a ranked season or Arena run, you can see a “Temp” art afterglow coming from the pack. The fix for this is expected in the next major patch (22.2).
  • (Added 11/30) There was an issue where people purchasing the Fractured in Alterac Valley Battlegrounds Perks were then blocked from purchasing the pre-purchase mega bundle (which includes the Battlegrounds Perks). We will be temporarily removing the Fractured in Alterac Valley Battlegrounds Perks from the store until the expansion goes live.
  • We are aware that some aspects of the “Honor” event went live with the Patch, instead of with the expansion as intended. The team is looking into the issue and exploring options about how to respond. Edit: Update on the Honor event. We will be starting the event early in a hotfix coming within the next day or so. Once it goes live, players will be able to start their Legendary Quest chains.(Battle For Alterac Valley Starting Early )