🐛 Баги (и не баги) патча 30.0.X + [FAQ]

Когда вышли новые герои с Валирой, там начали людям выдавать задание 19 с отсутствующим контентом, типо легендарной сложности.

Лайков: 1

Ачивка у паладина “Недостойный противник” не работает. Пуха надета, урон блочится, а ачивке пофигу)

Ачивка разбойника на выставление двух Йети тоже не засчитывается.

Известные проблемы с ачивками и наемниками:

  • (Added 12/7) There is currently a bug where Drek’Thar/Vanndar does not count for collection Achievements if you claimed it in patch 21.8. We are working on a solution for this.
  • (Added 12/7) We are aware that Maestra is back to her old tricks–or lack of tricks?–and sometimes “disguising” herself as a Rogue. The team is investigating the issue.
  • (Added 12/7) There is currently a bug reducing the intended experience gain in the Mercenaries mode. Update: The team is preparing a hotfix to the issue, targeting a fix to go out some time tomorrow.

12/8 Update: We are currently rolling out a hotfix that addresses the bug causing Mercenaries XP gains to be reduced. The hotfix also provides support to fix a recent issue that caused leaderboards to stop updating.

И пачка известных багов:

  • (Added 12/8) We are aware that the full refund period for Korrak the Bloodrager was unintentionally short. This was the result of a typo causing the period to be set to end on 12/8 instead of the intended 12/18. This is slated to be updated in an upcoming hotfix planned for this week. If you intend to disenchant Korrak, please hold on to him until that full disenchant value is reinstated.
  • (Added 12/8) We are aware that the new Alterac Valley game board does not appear to be in rotation. The team is investigating the issue.
  • (Added 12/8) The team is aware that certain card interactions are slowed while Snowfall Graveyard is active. The team is investigating the issue.

При надетом снаряжении “Кривой нож”, описание “Злобного удара” становится нечитабельным. Смена снаряжения возвращает в норму.

Лайков: 1

конкретно эта фигня со старта, исправлять её никто не собирается

Лайков: 1

Не знаю, до сегодняшнего дня не видел, хотя часто на Скаббсе играю и снаряжение не менял и только сейчас начало ломаться.

Это один из первых визуальных багов, он был с самого начала режима.

Я видел этот баг пару недель назад на случайном стриме по наёмникам.
Стример несколько минут обсасывал именно этот баг, ну и про маленькую инди компанию затирал.

Похожий баг есть еще на Гулдане с артефактом на вытягивание жизни, но все это мелочи, на которые спокойно можно наплевать, что собственно близы и делают.

У Ванессы Ван Клиф не работает 2ой предмет (Клинки ужаса). В таверне уменьшает стоимость до 3, в игре нет. Обиднее всего, что я задонатил на ее коины (из за этого предмета собственно). Верните деньги :rofl:
Не знаю как вставить сюда скриншот. Если объясните, то прикреплю

Баг припрохождении отчивки ,Недостойный противник"у паладина ,Недвижимый объект" блочит урон,а его не засчитывают. При +100500 игр за палладина шкала по прежнему на 0…(((

Его тоже не засчитывает, ни когда сам бьёшься о существ, ни когда тебя бьют, на нуле.

Уже раскатили серверный хотфикс:

12/10 Update: We are in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix that includes the following updates:
• Fixes a bug with Pathmaker’s effect display in match history tiles.
• Fixes a bug where Pride Seeker’s effect did not persist after Celestial Alignment.
• Fixes a bug where Snowfall Graveyard was causing slow downs or crashes if active while certain animations are triggered.
• Fixes a bug where Maestra of the Masquerade doubled your Armor when you reveal yourself.
• Fixes a bug where Iceblood Tower could allow for the player to make a Discover choice at the end of their turn. The selection will now be automatic and random.
• Fixes a bug where Bloodsworn Mercenary caused crashes.
• Fixes a bug where the Alterac Valley game board was not appearing in games.
• Fixes a bug where Vanndar and Drek’Thar weren’t counting towards “Collect Legendary Alterac Valley” achievements.
• Resumes Korrak’s full refund period that was unintentionally cut short. The refund period will continue until December 18.
• Adjusts how Mercenaries ratings are calculated to generally award more rating for a win, but not lose more rating for a loss. The intent of this change is to make it so that more players can aspire to reach the top rating level (currently 12,000). We will continue to monitor ratings and make any further adjustments necessary in future updates.
• Adjusts Mercenaries product logic for “random Mercenary”-type products. Previously, if you bought a product of this type while already owning all Mercenaries within that category (such as “Random Epic Mercenary” product when you already had all Epic Mercenaries), you would receive Coins for a random selection from that category. Now, in those situations you will first receive a random missing Portrait from a Mercenary within that category and will only receive Coins if you also have all Portraits for all Mercenaries within that category.
• Increases Sky Admiral Rogers’s Firing Position damage (at Rank 5, damage increased from 20 to 25).
• Fixes a bug in Mercenaries where Mr. Smite’s Sharpened Scabbard was adding damage while Mr. Smite was on the bench.
• Fixes a bug in Mercenaries where Vanessa VanCleef’s Sifting Sachels would sometimes fail to add a Cooldown for what it copies.
• Fixes a bug in Mercenaries where Valeera would sometimes not receive her Speed buff while she has Stealth.
• Fixes a bug causing crashes in Mercenaries Fighting Pit games versus A.I. opponents.
• Fixes a bug where products that offer random Mercenaries Portraits would give Mercenary Coins instead of a Portrait if the Portrait randomly awarded would have been the last missing Portrait for that particular Mercenary.

On another note, the team has decided to extend the start-of-rewards-track refund logic to also apply to Vanndar and Drek’Thar. Although these cards do not meet the circumstances we normally use to apply refund logic, we have heard your feedback that an exception in this instance will make for a better play experience for many players. The decision to add this refund logic was finalized after this hotfix was put together, so the refund period has not been enabled yet. We will update our messaging once that refund period has started. After that refund period goes live, players who already disenchanted Drek’Thar or Vanndar will automatically receive additional dust to make up for not receiving full value.

Информация по поводу последнего абзаца выше.

И патчка исправленных багов:

  • (Resolved 12/10) We are aware that the full refund period for Korrak the Bloodrager was unintentionally short. This was the result of a typo causing the period to be set to end on 12/8 instead of the intended 12/18. Update: This was resolved in today’s hotfix.
  • (Resolved 12/10) We are aware that the new Alterac Valley game board does not appear to be in rotation.
  • (Resolved 12/10) The team is aware that certain card interactions are slowed while Snowfall Graveyard is active.

Жаль, что не на нашем языке.

Жаль, что фиксов для ачивок нет. Ждём дальше.

Там куча фиксов багов, ничего такого интересного. Переводить и эти правки нет времени (да и желания), можно в гугл переводчик загнать и почитать. Про две легендарные карты и компенсации пыли за них читайте по ссылке.

Лайков: 1

С патчем 22.0.2:

  • Базовые версии Дрек’Тара и Вандара теперь можно распылить за полную стоимость. Чуть позже в день обновления мы вернем остаток чародейной пыли тем игрокам, которые уже распылили любую из карт.
  • Исправлена неполадка, в результате которой сокровище дуэлей «Бес-подобные брюки» не замешивало в колоду порталы бесов.