[A-RP] The Covenant of Teldrassil (Kaldorei/Worgen focused sorts)

"I have seen Azeroth be sundered twice, the world come to the very brink more times than I care to count in the last decade. Never before have I known the raw feeling of despair than when the home of a new generation was raised to the ground. Where we stood alone, Kaldorei and Gilneans alike, and watched the haven of our kind be rendered ash.

It was as I knelt upon the shores, seething in some powerless indignation as my kin, friends, family alike were put to the sword or the flame, that I vowed that the children of the Stars would not be broken today. The path of Cenarius often preaches the ideals of rebirth. It is an ideal I take to heart. The great cycle, as it were. So from the ashes of Teldrassil, hope would blossom anew and like rose it would be thorned by the vengeance of those the Horde have scorned. Twice now we have seen their kind raze cities in acts of immorality. First there was Theramore, now there was Teldrassil. They will know a wrath unlike any other they have had the horror to witness. The terrible majesty of Elune, her vengeance set upon those who would scorn her children.

I, and others, turned to Stormwind, to find those in refuge, those who would rally to find that future among our homelands despite the wrath that had befallen our kind. It was no easy effort, but in time, many made the commitment, of their own choice, to follow us towards Kalimdor once more, the refuge of Hyjal and beyond. The northern lands of Kalimdor. We did not walk alone. With the burning of Teldrassil came a solemn vowel, that our Covenant would stand united in the pursuit of a united future, be you Highborne, Kaldorei, Child of Goldrinn or… else; And that the legacy of our people was theirs to forge, their burden to carry, their obligation to preserve, and their epitaph should we fail.

Together under Mother Moon, no matter their home or creed in the wake of destruction, our people -will- rise again. Our traditions will not be forgotten. We. Will. Endure. Glory to the Kaldorei, Glory to The High Priestess. And above all… Glory to Kalimdor." - Andoril Thornrage, Speaker for The Covenant of Teldrassil.

Hi there! The Covenant of Teldrassil is a community of several guilds and independents dedicated to bringing about a brighter future for the Kaldorei and their allies upon Kalimdor (Specifically the Highborne and Worgen/Gilneans) through a variety of means while remaining true to the traditions of the Kaldorei people. While not directly opposed to the Alliance, there will be some deep-set reservation from some of us, though the ideal of co-operation is not one we have forsaken. We seek to integrate into the wider Alliance scene while retaining a high standard of RP that is supported by Kaldorei lore to create an authentic feeling for the Kaldorei who assist the wider Alliance in the war for Azeroth. That being said, military acts are far from the primary focus of the community.

Fact File (Using AA format):

Founding date Shortly after the burning of Teldrassil.
Goal A collaboration of elven communities dedicated to securing, fighting for, and improving the future of the Kaldorei people.
Main area of operations Northern Kalimdor/Stormwind as appropriate.
Faction Alliance
Opposite faction attitude Overtly hostile.
Friends/Allies Those within the Covenant: The Crescent Vigil, The Moonlight Embrace, The Last Court and The Veiled Glaive (With more to come, potentially)
Rivals/Enemies The Hand of Zul/The Horde in general.
Guild status Active
Recruiting Officer(s) Andoríl(The Crescent Vigil), Rhodina, Ánaelisa (The Moonlight Embrace), Valith (The Veiled Glaive), Meletis (The Last Court)

The guilds:

The Crescent Vigil: Led by Andoril Thornrage, is a collective that chose to follow the path offered in pursuit of a better future for the Kaldorei. They consist of artisans, militia, and various individuals not necessarily suited for the traditional paths of military action within Kaldorei society. The guild’s primary focuses are on civilian affairs, militias, and offering places for Male Kaldorei concepts to hold major validity while being supported by lore. (Concepts that aren’t druids or Shen’dralar for example. But perhaps a blademaster from The War of The Ancients and Jarod’s resistance would fit well here).

The Moonlight Embrace: Originating from the Army of The Black Moon, Moonlight Embrace is a following of Kaldorei who are dedicated to bringing vengeance against The Horde and anyone else who threatens the Kaldorei. With The Night Warrior’s vengeance fueling their wrath, The Embrace plans to reclaim the whole of Kalimdor from The Horde. Only then will peace be gained, The Balance restored and The Kaldorei avenged. With such an important and large task ahead, Moonlight Embrace preaches unity calling all Night Elves and Worgen to join the following regardless of past differences. Through unity The Kaldorei will rule over Kalimdor once more and thrive within the wilds. Andu-falah-dor, justice will be done!

The Veiled Glaive: The Veiled Glaive operates as a strike force of Illidari still loyal to the ideals set in place by their Lord, Illidan Stormrage.

Their prime directive has not shifted from hunting the remnant demons lurking upon Azeroth still swearing fealty to the now fractured Burning Legion, they will track them down and eradicate them without mercy.

Alongside this directive comes another of delicate nature, the Grand Master acting as a face for the Illidari in an uneasy alliance struck with the larger Kaldorei populace to one day earn the trust of their former brethren and perhaps even find a place back with them, though if this should fail, they shall at least ensure the Kaldorei suffer no longer.

The Hunters understand that it requires monsters to destroy monsters, anything deemed without place in this world will find its existence short lived. In this time of war the Banshee Queen threatens the very world they helped save, even the Horde cannot escape the ire of the true Illidari.

The Last Court: What started as a community meeting for Highborne roleplayers has naturally evolved into this guild: The Last Court. We’re Highborne lead and focused, but not exclusively so. We take onboard Kaldorei looking to learn the arcane arts, veterans of the Resistance, Rooksguard and Moonguard, those with ties to the nobility of the old empire and their sons and daughters.
“For the ages to come” is the motto of The Last Court and this shapes the Three Imperatives we follow:

To serve, defend and enrich the Kaldorei nation and honour its commitments and alliances

To safeguard against the legacy of Azshara and the repercussions of the sundering in whatever evil form it may take.

To enshrine, preserve and continue the long and proud arcane tradition of the Highborne through tuition, instruction, research and archiving.

What we are: A dedicated community striving to supply high quality RP and enjoyable occasions to our group and the wider Alliance RP scene as appropriate and agreeable while remaining true to the lore for Kaldorei to the best of our ability. High quality fun is the mandate, doing what matters to us, and what we’re passionate about giving back.

What we are not: A group of human’dorei. This is a traditional Kaldorei community. Expect as a city elf or modernised kaldorei to be treated with scepticism, or have individuals attempt to educate you on your history!

What we’re looking for: Simple, really. Anyone who’s got a love for the Kaldorei scene or is interested in trying it out. So long as you’re mature and willing to learn or teach those that might follow suit, I’m sure we’ll get along! Remember though! IC is IC, and OOC is OOC, but above all else: Civility is key in a community like this. No one should feel ostracized on an OOC level due to the behaviour of another.

Rules: A lot of what you might expect. We like to presume people are willing to be mature and courteous, but there are rules in place to mitigate drama and take action against those it needs to be taken against.

Activity: As a multi-guild community, it will naturally vary from guild to guild or which you choose to interact with as independents. That said, collaboration between guilds and independent parties is very common, as will be community wide events, or events taking the entire community to do something in particular.

Uniforms: Depends on who you join but thus far I’ve not seen any specific requisites. I imagine the Darnassus Tabard might go a long way if your playing a Sentinel, however!

How to join: Simply contact any of the above given names IC, declare your intentions, and we’ll go from there! Hesitation is the bane of interaction, after all!

Thanks for reading so far! There will be more to come as more join and acts of the Community come into the light! check for updates here and there, after all the only way forward is onwards and upwards. I hope this makes some modicum of sense, and it was a nice read if nothing else!

Best of luck out there!



Hello there!

Pretty cool and based concept and idea, which i am also a member of! Nice people in there, who i didn’t know before and met recently. And it’s a pleasure to meet them!
Recommended! Join and bring VENGEANCE!


P.S: Remember tae WOONS o’ Azeroth! Et cries oot en pain! OCH!


Cheers in Kaldorei supremacy


Looking forward to working together with you! :smiley:

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I love this on so many levels. After attending on my gilnean character with them I can say for certainty they can bring both tense IC situations as well as lighthearted IC ones with a clear progression toward their goal!

Should definetely check them out! :slight_smile:


Love it when guilds come together into a community and celebrate their differences (friendly rivalry anyone?) rather than try to homogenise everybody. Really promising plans!

Hope to see this initiative flourish into a haven for all things Kaldorei. Good luck everyone! And I might just have to give my night elf priest some love and come taste the atmosphere.

I’m always glad to see more Night Elf related initiatives pop up! However, I got a few concerns while reading this post, and I’d much rather air them than keep them to myself. So here goes!

I’m a little worried that the Covenant of Teldrassil may turn into an umbrella community. The Covenant doesn’t really appear to have any restrictions as to who can join, so long as they are kaldorei. That, in turn, gives me the impression that this community may eventually evolve into an umbrella. As we’ve all learned from the past, umbrella guilds were often bad enough to a racial community on their own, let alone an umbrella community.

Adding to that, I heard you were turning Nordrassil into a Night Elf hub. Do correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I am aware, Nordrassil is Cenarion Circle territory and thus neutral. I get the impression from the intro monologue that the Covenant of Teldrassil is very anti-Horde. You couldn’t really make use of Nordrassil as a militant settlement, so I’d imagine it may cripple the initiative greatly to base themselves there.

My last little point of feedback has to do with the structuring on the thread. Although it’s quite nitpicky, I found the thread a little hard to read. Some visual structuring (e.g making use of the quote function) would definitely make the thread easier on the eyes.

Nevertheless, I still wish you good luck with the initiative!


Iirc, They’re using Hyjal ingame to represent a Night Elf community out in the wilds of Northern Kalimdor.

Actual military offensives would be based out of Feathermoon

Could you explain to me what an Umbrella guild is please? I don’t know.

Posting on the right character xD. Thanks for the feedback! It’s all valid, we’ll take it into consideration moving forward!


It’s all fine and dandy to acknowledge but he made points that I personally would be curious to know the answer to as well!

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It’s a very interesting initiative.

Do keep us informed on the progress


Very well! To address the first point. We are not aiming to become - The - Kaldorei rp community, much less to umbrella folks to such a degree that people feel they can’t find rp unless they’re in the Covenant. We are merely here to facilitate rp for our lot and those we interact with. There is nothing to state you must be part of this group and only this group. If anything I’d like other guilds to say hello, or for ours to go meet others without assimilating them into what I can understand could be perceived as a vast umbrella. Equally, if people want to join and expand the community we have, we won’t deny them the chance to providing we’ve got a good relationship going with said group. I should also specify that the Covenant is a multi guild community, which each of the aforementioned guilds having full autonomy to do as they wish and interact with who the wish within their own personal scope. They either agreed to join or were invited and accepted. We would not have druids running around in a highborne guild for example.

Regarding Hyjal. You are completely right. Hyjal is a neutral location. Which is precisely why if we had militant action, or were to be taking up arms, we would direct the militants away from Hyjal to do so. For example to Feathermoon or Bashal’aran. Hyjal is a neutral location watched over by the cenarion circle. We are not there as combatants and would not bring conflict there personally. The majority of rp that occurs there as it stands is druidic or civilian in focus. Invariably if such didn’t satisfy we’d either state it to be somewhere else to us, or move elsewhere, perhaps to winterspring, depending on necessity.

As for writing up and editing, I’d agree, I could tune it up a bit better. First time properly using the forums here. :joy:


I also have a few concerns regarding some of the information given in this initiative. As Mythundis said, umbrella communities and guilds can actually be harmful and detrimental to the health of a wider community – which in this case, is general Night Elf and Kalimdor RP.

Often, such communities ultimately end up as a larger, intimidating hivemind that is excrutiatingly difficult to penetrate and stymies the individuality and independence of other guilds. You may not be aiming to become ‘The Kaldorei RP Community’, but by making an initiative wherein you agar . io, so to speak, several guilds and do things, collectively, with those guilds on a large scale – with a large community dense base – you also become a community that possesses a large bulk of Night Elf RP. To this end, you may as well be ‘The Kaldorei RP Community’ because you’re heading a large majority of it, and a community is ultimately represented by its majority.

Likewise, you may want other guilds to say hello, or for them not to assimilate, but it doesn’t change the fact that, on the wider scale, you have the majority of Night Elf RP guilds under your wing already. When you create a community like this, you totally jeopardise the ability of others to be able to slide in – and it also gives way to cliques, especially with a community discord – which I believe that your community has.

I also have issues with your choice of base as well. Why base yourself in an area that’s absolutely coated in phasing, and mostly irrelevant to IC happenings when better, more choicely situated areas like Feathermoon, which has been an established hub in the past, exist and are presently waiting. If you want to create a civillian atmosphere, why not Azuremyst, or the outskirts of Stormwind for that RP? Two places that have been established for that realm already. I get the feeling, already, that you’re trying to cover too many areas at once – areas that would be far better executed as separate initiatives, rather than trying to be several different things at once.

As for the public discord, I also carry some concerns with rumours that, unfortunately, have circulated and been picked up. It is my understanding, for example, that your public discord also has an NSFW channel accessible – hidden or not, this is generally not a good idea, and it brings me several anxieties. Firstly, anyone of any age could end up in your discord and – via request (since it can’t be checked) find themselves into it – even if it’s hidden. It doesn’t take very much to pretend to be a certain age. Secondly, I find it questionable that it would be included in a discord primarily meant to allow for co-operation between guilds – what use does it have there? What’s the point of it? Could this exist in a separate discord? Do people need to discuss and share it?

Some of these are difficult questions and issues to address and answer, and I hope not to discourage you – but I do believe that the current format of your initiative could perhaps do with a little reworking to ensure that it is more useful than harmful to the Night Elf community. This is especially the case with a possible NSFW discord channel; Night Elf RP is already muddled with a large variety of ERP and NSFW scandals – becoming so notorious that some people would even claim it is rife with general deviancy, putting people off of joining it as a Night Elf character.


There is No NSFW channel. I checked. Not even any secret ranks and such.

As is my understanding, there have been certain screenshots that have shown and suggested one. Of course, he might’ve decided to get rid of it beforehand – in which case, great!


There was an 18+ meme channel a while back, But it was for nsfw memes, not for pornography. When it was misused, the chat was promptly removed.

There was -never- a smut channel.

The posts in question were posted on the 25th to 26th of May, Noldor. It was not a meme channel. There were images/albums depicting sexual acts between <<< “futas” (or whatever you call it) >>> and otherwise. If that isn’t pornography, I don’t know. One of the members complained about it and received this response from the OP:

I take the policy of if its not registered as illegal and your of age to be looking here, no problem
Just make it tasteful
If shiet makes people uncomfortable. Don’t do et

This prompted me to leave the community. It’s good that it is gone now and every one can settle down about the topic, but to continously lie and play things down is just pointless. Obviously, I won’t post any of the logs on the forums to prove my point. You, as usual, only make things worse, Noldor.


I have been RPing with this cool community for couple of weeks and I must say they are indeed pretty good! Cool and chill people who care about Kaldorei RP and concept of several Kaldorei guild cooperating is very refreshing gust of fresh air, filled with new motivations and ideas. I am looking forward to RP more with them in a future!


So I walk in with a truck full of gas and some matches.

Is this a PCU-friendly community or not? Cause it doesn’t look like it.
