Making them accounwide would increase the number of tanks and heal, people would do more dungeons and raids and the quetime would decrease… currently you wait approx 1 hour as a dps to join the current raid.
I would really like to play my heal druid but when i think i have to grind all over again, i just keep playing my main or log off
So tell me why?
Why the hell do we have to grind the same content over and over for our neck essences? Is it not possible for Blizz to put in some sort of Bind on Account system for essences we have got at level 3 with main toons? The essence grind to start with is a pain if you not running EP any more which most dont and the LFR drop rate is criminal. I want to play on alts to see the game from a different point of view but the essence grind is killing me and many others to the point they dont want to play al…
Hello Blizzard,
I know that i am not the only one asking for this, so why is this HUGE PROBLEM still not solved?
In 8.3 it is IMPOSSIBLE creat a alt character and get it to a decent state because we are forced to spend BILLIONS of hours just to farm essences, that’s just insanity. Please make the essences ACCOUNT-WIDE so i can enjoy this game at least a little bit.
I would love it to collect pokemons and do PVP, but i can’t because i’m forced to spend all my time getting those essences (AGAIN…
I would grind every essence to rank 3 if i had known it was accountwide. I dont wanna play on an alt at all. All my alts need condensed life force which you get from Eternal Palace. This would also be the same with reputations, i would grind those aswell. I dont understand why blizzard is so afraid to make things accountwide at all. This expac has no doubt been the most terrible for alts. And sometimes i just wanna play something else than what ive played since legion. But its to late now becaus…
I want to sink more time into this game through alts but its not worth it with this essence system
Yeah, I’m playing my holy paladin alt at the moment and the Mechagon faction essence is one of the best minor essences. So now I’m going to have to grind Mechagon dailies until I’m revered with them.
true, i wont touch most alts atm to do any content
only maybe DH later, but he is a sexy devil with rank 3 bis essenses already
Ive never seen so many post daily about this. Its like the shaman community at the start of BFA
What an original topic idea! Wow! Clap clap, and tap on the shoulder
Okay? maybe its not original, but maybe thats whats most demanded right now. Arent people supposed to give feedback on this forum?
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March 31, 2020, 6:35pm
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