AD RL Meetup 20th-21st July 2024

Uh oh.

Oh no.

Oh yes. We haven’t had one of these for a while, have we? The AD Meetups in 2016, 2017 and 2019 were fun, and now that the pandemic feels properly over for most people in Europe, let’s see if there’s interest in a bunch of nerds embracing their sweaty nerves to meet up face to face again.

Thread updated on 3th July

Date: 20th - 21st July 2024
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Time: 13:00-23:00 on Saturday, 12:00-15:00ish on Sunday
Minimum age to participate: 18 years



On Saturday 20th, the plan is to visit the annual roleplay convention Ropecon in Pasila, one train stop away from the Helsinki Central Train Station. The name “Ropecon” comes from the Finnish language word “roolipeli”, meaning role-playing game. A day ticket to the convention costs €33. There’ll be an opportunity for people to go to the convention together from the Helsinki Central Train Station. We’ll spend a few hours checking out the various con activities, booths and stalls. This year’s theme is monsters if you feel like dressing up a bit!

Here’s the schedule for the Saturday 20th:

In timeline format:

If there’s something in the convention program that interests you earlier on the day or later in the evening, you’re welcome to head there earlier and leave later than the main group (I expect us to be there 14:00 - 17:30). I recommend to double check which activities are provided in English / Finnish.

By 17:30, we’ll head back to the city centre for drinks, food and board/card games at a pub. It’s entirely fine to skip the convention and join only for the pub; just let the host know of your plans.


Considering some people might travel a long distance to the event, we’ve traditionally had an optional farewell lunch at noon on Sunday in the city centre. It’s usually followed by a spot of shopping such as visiting Fantasiapelit. The Sunday activities usually last from 12:00 until around 15:00-16:00 depending on the weather, as we’ve sometimes taken a walk to one of the well-known parks by the coastline. If the weather is nice, we could consider having a picnic instead of cafe lunch this year.

Who is this for?

People who play, or used to play, on Argent Dawn. The previous meetups had attendees from many countries, and the primary language of the meetup will be English. We’re more than happy to see people from abroad join the fun!

Why Finland of all places?

Because of the polar bears. Because of salmiakki. Because yours truly is more comfortable organizing something on their home turf than somewhere else. At present Finland is a safe travel destination, and our summer is short but sweet.

I’m interested! How do I sign up for this?

If you’d like to join, please reach out to me on Discord (eepox), so that I’m able to contact you closer to confirm whether you’re attending. If you haven’t reached out on Discord, you won’t be registered to the event. Please include your main character on AD in the direct message, and which activities you’d like to join (Saturday convention, Saturday evening, Sunday noon).

A couple of weeks before the event, a temporary Discord server is made for the people confirming their attendance. Joining the server is mandatory to a) make sure everyone agrees on the event’s code of behaviour, b) exchange real time information, c) to help the event go smoothly for everyone during the weekend. People who have to cancel, or don’t show up at the meetup, will be removed from the server.

For people thinking about coming from abroad:

Compared to many other capitals, Helsinki is a rather compact and easily navigable city. With the train connection from the Helsinki airport to the Central Train Station, it’s convenient to get to the heart of the city in just half an hour. The Central Train Station is the last stop for trains going to Helsinki from the airport. More information on public transport:

Please use the blue ticket vending machines for the metropolitan public transport tickets, instead of the green VR ones (railway company).

FYI, the underground metro stop will be out of commission at Helsinki Train Station due to a renovation, but this shouldn’t impact the meetup as we’ll be using only the regular train once to Pasila and back to city centre on Saturday. The other activities will be within walking distance in the city centre.

People in Helsinki are usually pretty good at understanding English at shops and service points. There’s a lot of hotels, restaurants, bars and cultural attractions within walking distance from the Central Train Station.

If you have any questions about the meetup, please don’t hesitate to ask! The concept may sound intimidating if you’ve never attended something like this, but as someone who has attended many of them in the distant past, and also hosted some of my own, they’re largely very chill. There’s often a difference between how we may view a person’s online persona and their real self, and you might make some new friends, perhaps meet folk you’ve known online for a long time. Personally, I met one of my best real life friends at these events, despite us never playing (and to this date, never roleplaying) with each other prior!

Write-ups of past Argent Dawn Meetups:

2007 Birmingham
2008 Copenhagen
2011 London
2016 Helsinki (summer)
2016 Helsinki (winter)
2017 London
2017 Helsinki
2019 Helsinki


I had just barely turned 18 when these were last being done and I was too shy to meet then. Might take the train over to Helsinki this year and make an appearance!


Loved the 2016 meet, hopefully I’ll make it this time, too!


If I had the money I was absolutely go and even if I did, I have holidays booked in my own country around that date. Hopefully next time.


Sounds lovely!


Awesome to see you organizing this again Acrona!

I am -really- hoping to come, but that being said, during the timeframe is my last week before going back to Norway from a month-trip back to Finland around that time, so I will have to weigh the idea in my mind before deciding.

If my decisions comes too late (likely late june/early july), I wish and -warmly- recommend everyone who has ever wanted to meet people to go. These events have been always a blast to attend!


Been to one of these in the past, absolute BANGER!

I’ll definetely see if I’m available for this, though working at the airport my turns are a bit screwed and I usually don’t have saturdays/sundays free.

I’ll see what I can do though!


Hopefully I can attend one of these in the future! I’ll spread the word. :smiling_face:


Having attended one (I forget which year…), I can honestly say to those thinking of it: DO IT DO IT DO IT!! It was a fantastic experience and I loved being around fellow ADers, and meeting people face to face!

Enjoy it!

I’d attend but money lmao u_u


Money-side might prove an issue, but making the train trip to Helsinki to go for some drinks/grub and head home after could be a thing! Happy to see this back!


Thanks everyone for the sweet comments! Appreciate the enthusiasm and encouragement. :raised_hands:

Many people have been in touch about the event already, both those who’ve attended past meetups, and those for whom this would be a first experience. It’s definitely happening!

P.S. Got also Snooki, that good friend mentioned in the OP, making a comeback! Some may remember us co-hosting a few of the past meetups together.


That doesn’t sound like a very smart idea, lots of weidos in AD lately


It’s already taking place in Finland so can’t get much worse.

Really wish I could join but budget and conflicting plans have me elsewhere.

Hope y’all have a great time!


Believe me, these are the exact types that don’t exactly know what the outside world is.
Or for nefarious known reasonings have to stay low profile with their debauchery.

Never forger the gr00mer of Sweden with a habit for playing Light Faithful.

But to not further derail, have fun to all the Fins


Oh yeah! Almost forgot that one lmao


Hope it doesn’t snow!


I know it’s a joke, but seriously, it’s summer-warm in Helsinki in July. Or at least, it was at the 2016 meet.

Always have been. And weirdos know well enough to stay away from such events. The 2016 meet was very wholesome and I still remember it fondly.


Yeah, and it was snowing like two weeks ago in Keski-Suomi. :smiley:


Its something to consider. :dracthyr_tea:


To make these meetups more understandable and to demystify their charm, I will be providing some insights into previous Argent Dawn meetups…

Starting off with my first one. This unforgettable experience took place in Birmingham, UK, organized by Tardon if my memory serves right. In 2007, as a young and adventurous soul, I found myself in the awe-inspiring position of shocking my dear mama with a declaration that I would embark on my solo maiden voyage abroad. To meet up with folk I had never met before. Pixel people. I don’t remember what I did to convince my parents, but miraculously, they let me go. (Not that they could’ve legally prevented me from going at that point, but I was still living with them, and this kind of stuff wasn’t common back then!)

I am relieved to report that I received excellent care from one of my fellow guild members, as they graciously saw me to the meetup and back. I don’t recall how many people there were exactly, but a lounge had been reserved for us at some gaming center. People mingled, some participated in LAN gaming, and on a big screen played a video featuring artwork submitted by many of the creative Argent Dawners. I myself distributed prints for individuals to jot down messages as keepsakes.

Had a great time overall, and also a wonderful tour around London before the meetup. It was exciting to meet a few of my vanilla guildies live, two of whom I’m in fact still in touch with! I was extremely lucky with the people I met back then, as they were such decent folk.