So, adding together all the percentages of alliance populations shown on last 2 weeks in Europe, and then dividing it by number of servers (36 in the Europe list on that site) shows a split of 47.36% alliance and 52.64% horde.
Simple fact is, horde queue times are long for AV because Alliance have a lot more players simply not queuing for it. They never had. So one can conclude that there are more PvE:ers on the Alliance side compared to the Horde side.
(Either that or many on the Alliance side rea~lly loves the WPvP so much that they don’t need to queue for AV.)
I’ve done the more annoying count, which ended up roughly the same, so here you go:
Hmm shouldn’t the correct thing be to (player numbers of each servers*percentage of each faction) and sum all numbers for each faction on all realms.
Then divide the total sum of players on each faction on all realms with the total amount of players on all servers?
You realise that IFP only includes characters seen in WCL, right? So if you are not raiding or not PUPLICLY logging your raids, you will not count.
You also realise that Horde has enormous Q-times on Classic…you cannot raid while you sit in a Q. As Alliance it is perfectly possible to do your raid and then Q up for your quick daily loss afterwards. The same is not possible for the Horde with their daily win.
So it is logical to assume that a large part of the active Horde AV population does not appear on IFP at all. They cannot raid. They have to sit in Qs.
Nope, did not know that. Just presumed they’d be relying on addon users like does, but I guess I’ll check that site next then.
Just used IFP because many forum users seems to trust that more than WCP.
I can only tell what i saw in searin gorge while farming ores an herbs with my alt.
For 4-5 hours there i saw 15-20 alliance players. And some 40-50 horde players, not including some 10ish full 40man horde raids passing by and 1 alliance raid.
Would be correct to do it that way since its not equal amount of players on the different realms. Closest in % to compare on ally side is Auberdine and Zandalar Tribe with 59 % ally - thats pop.wise 2836 allies at Auberdine and 3152 on ZT.
Well, the percentages are the percentages of the total amount of players on each realm, so what I did was do a quick rundown of the average faction split on all EU servers.
But I’ll add the player counts this time instead and base it on WCP instead of IFP, and just convert it to percentages to see how that turns out.
Alright, so I’ve now done this (laborious af) and it ended up as 392011 Horde characters, and 371346 Alliance characters.
Which makes it 48.65% Alliance and 51.35% Horde in EU, based on and I only counted the same server list as the one under the Europe tab over at IFP, so it can be used for comparison.
Keep in mind though, these numbers from WCP doesn’t exclude alts so take it with a grain of salt, but it’s the closest you can get to the true numbers because Blizzard hasn’t publicized the real population figures.
So my point still stands. The population split is close to equal.
If you check the last 14 days filter in the WCP link, then it shows some pretty funny splits probably because so few got the addon that provides the information. I used unfiltered as the basis for this post.)
Isn’t the only reason to talk about faction balance/imbalance the activity in any given content?
If you want to raid and there are 2000 other players of your faction on your server but none of them want to raid…then what value does that number have to you? If you want to raid and there are only 39 other players of your faction on your server but they all want to raid - the numbers look absymally worse but your personal situation will be infinetly better.
In the context of AV/WPvP…what does the information that there may be 50 Million more Alliance players leveling their 8th toon change with the FACT that 4/5 of the playerbase interested in PvP is Horde and this number is screwing over the system? Does knowing these 50 Million players exist and are leveling instead of Qing AV or rolling on PvP servers give you a “right” to demand they do so?
If 4/5 of the active playerbase for any given content is on one faction…that is the important number. A number that can easily be verified in-game just by looking at Qtimes and average match length. No need to consult 3rd party sites for it.
This thread somehow reminds me of the same discussion in retail…when you (rightfully) say that the Alliance is dead as a faction and abandoned by the developers…there will always be somebody jumping in to shout how the numbers are actually equal by census site xy.
What is the point?
Are there ~10times as many Mythic Raid groups on the Horde compared to Alliance? Yes.
Are there ~10times as many RBG teams/Arena players on the Horde compared to Alliance? Yes.
Is the entire M+ community all Horde? Yes.
Are all (normal) Warmode shards dominated by Horde? Yes.
Can i, as an Alliance player, play WITH this overwhelming majority to enjoy the content i care about? NO!
So what exactly does knowing there may be an unknown number of Alliance players (who engage in exactly NOTHING that i care about) change about the FACT that there are almost none playing the content that i do care about?
Should it make me shout at pet-battlers that they need to start pushing M+22 keys or get their Gladiator rating going?
No, it’s to stop the nonsensical whining about “faction balance” and the suggestions that used to come up for faction queues.
Overall, the factions are balanced. It’s just that because so many more hordes queue for AV than alliance does, this messes with the queue times.
Oh right, and of course the illogical justification some players used for AV premades that their “faction is the smaller one”, which any indication to go by shows that they aren’t really, at least not in any meaningful way. That small difference in the split is well within an acceptable margin of error.
Searing gorge and burning steppes is so close to kargath, a place every horde has their hs set to since there are mage portal vendors there. It’s so convenient to just queue up and then hs to kargath to farm elemental earth in badlands or snipe mines or herbs in searing gorge or burning steppes while waiting for queues.
Horde has it really easy to travel around the world.
BUt yeah I agree that razorgore feels more like 40:60 A:H ratio than 50:50. But it may aswell be that allies have more raidloggers.
This was exactly what I was going to say. If You do not exclude PvE and RP servers - or at least keep them separated, then all your work is worthless. There’s a reason ppl chose PvE realms