I suspect that being at or close to character cap has something to do with it, actually.
I think their process might have involved duplicating your characters which were going to move, and that if doing so took you over the character limit, the copy failed.
It’s obviously absurd if this is the actual problem and they just didn’t think of it when planning the transfers, but yeah.
I mean they suspected that you will loose with automatic transfers your guild too so it kind of make sense what you say. The whole thing whas such a novum that it came like a Black Swann.
I got into an unpleasant situation and decided to return to the game because Wotlk entered the game, and there are no my characters in vanilla.
I contacted technical support, they said they transferred the characters to the Mograine server, I don’t play on these servers, but they answered me late when the free transfer ended.
I don’t think I’m the only one in this predicament.
I’ve been playing WoW:Classic since vanilla and my main characters were forcibly transferred to this server.
Offer a free transfer most likely many will return after September 26th!
Now that you talk about disappear, one ex Celebras players just got blantly told from gm, that it seems they have deleted his lvl 60-70 characters and the back-ups are unfindable so his characters that are missing will stay missing.
To translate the relevant part of the gm response for any nong German spakers: “Sorry, we kind of lost your characters. Sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused.”. Not even a compensation, if there can be such a thing. I would have thought they give the guy two boosts or a year of play time or ANYTHING. They deleted his characters, not had a three hour server shut down! This is so far beyond an “inconvenience”…
What is this. You moved my characters from a PVP-server to a non-PVP server?! Zandalar Tribe (RP PVP) → Hydraxian Waterlords (RP Normal).
I foremost want to play on a PVP-server. Thanks for letting me know this after I bought game time. I will not waste additional money on a character transfer.
The FREE transfers to Mograine are broken at the moment you see it in a sticky post from the 16th. Dont know why its taking them so long, or they are just scamming people by cuttins us off half way through our xfers forcing us to pay to move the rest.
Strange how the PAID transfer is still an option to Mograine!
Exactly the same situation with me.
Support says “We are sorry, you can start a new character if you want to play in your region”
Who decided to move characters from different regions to English realm? What did you think about? You thought that everyone read forum, even when they don’t play TBC? Or you just wanted us to buy heroic edition of WoTLK to have a free level boost?
I can’t play in English realm, because my English is really bad and the time difference is very big. Basically my characters were deleted, not moved to another realm.
I have no words to describe how I am angry. Ridiculous!
same. playing on lakeshire feels completely different. it’s so cold and anonymous and at the same time you have to deal with characters with dumb childish names, weird language that mostly consists of abbreviations and totally overcrowded places where players of the other faction are standing in NPCs or portal stones with PVP on.
Please relocate my Zandalari Tribe RPPVP server characters to an active PVP server instead of the low populated Hydroxian Waterlords PVE server. Or Provide a refund on the wasted subscription at least.