[H] Casually Dedicated - Social Raiding Guild Recruiting For Shadowlands!

Casually Dedicated is a newly formed social and raiding guild on Magtheridon Horde. We’re made up of people who can’t commit to strict guild commitments, but still want to have fun and enjoy what the game has to offer. We plan to do in-game and out of game events so even if you are taking a break from WoW, you can join in! We plan on creating a tight knit raiding team to enjoy raid content in a relaxed and enjoyable manner. You do not need to transfer to join us. If you’d like to take advantage of the 100% exp buff to try something new, you’re more than welcome to. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, keep on reading!

Raid Information
Days: Wednesday + Sunday
Times: 20:30-23:30 Server Time

We are currently recruiting all classes and roles for the raid team. We are primarily recruiting for Shadowlands, but when we have enough people prior we will most definitely jump into Ny’alotha. We will primarily be raiding Normal/Heroic however if we have enough people who want to do Mythic there’s no reason not to.

Raiders will be expected to turn up on time if they signed for the raid, and be prepared with tactics, consumables and enchants/gems. There is no requirement to how many raids a week you have to join. Sign up for what you can!

Social Events
Below is a list of social events we would like to run. In-game prizes will be given out for the in-game events. All events will use discord, but a mic is not required for most in-game events. These are all optional events but we do encourage people to join in.

M+ Night
PvP Night
Hide and Seek
Transmog Catwalk
Screenshot Competition
‘Find the location’ Riddle Challenge

Out of game:
Quiz Night
D&D Night
Board/Card Games
Other non-WoW games

If you’d like to join, or have any questions, feel free to add any Btag or Discord, or post down below.

Guild Master:
Btag: Jani#22940
Discord: Jani#2116

Btag: Kismet#21899
Discord: Kiz#2428

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We’re slowly and steadily growing. Got a lovely base of people here already. Got our first social event tomorrow having a guild Cards Against Humanity game!

We welcome more to come and join us!

Still need more friendly faces! Having a lot of fun in chat, some people leveling, some tackling later game stuff, there’s room for everyone!

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We had your first social event, cards against humanity, last night and it went fantasticly. Had a lot of fun! Would love for some more peeps to come and join us for some more fun times.

So far so good. Very welcoming community, great bunch of people here who are always down to help our fellow guild members out. If you are looking for a relaxed place to come chill and make friends this is the place!

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There’s an honest, real chill atmosphere in here. ^^ We would love to have some more like-minded peeps! ahem more shamans to overrule the paladins

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We almost have the team for raiding. Just need to get some peeps some gear. Would love some more ranged dps and priest/druid healers.

Also looking to do some mroe social events! The more the merrier!

Ranged DPS! Where you guys at?! ;D

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I found this thread via my LFG post ([LFG] Player looking for active EU guild) and your guild sounds like the kind of guild I’m looking for. Currently I’m unsure about whether I would like to tranfer my Pandaren Hunter, but I wouldn’t mind leveling a new character. Does your guild have a discord? And if so, could I get an invite :)? I would love to get to know more people who play WoW

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Sure, we have a discord! Add me on btag or on discord and I’ll give you the link. As I’m sure you can understand, I don’t wish to post the link publicly.

Understandable. I send you a friend request via discord, it’s from Aurelia :slight_smile:

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