-Please see latest post for classes we require- we raid Weds & Sunday 20:00-23:00 server time.
Was an alliance guild until 8.2, then we rolled Draenor, welcomed a number of people (mostly new people) back from various breaks - formed a decent team of friendly people mostly all adults with commitments so offer flexibility but focussed fun. Minmaxers need not apply and anyone that has a friendly, mature outlook is welcomed. Dark sense of humour and dank memes are a plus.
We will also welcome social and M+ players and generally enjoy shooting the breeze with most our players ,hanging out in discord etc for those that want to 
Please contact me on bnet ShadowStorm#2144707 or on discord ShadowStorm#9541
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Hi peeps, 8.2 is soon upon us and we are looking for new blood… Love the bants, well look no further, Want mythic + we help each other out making sure you get you +10 key, Looking to raid?? no problem raid days will be wednesday and sunday 730pm server time. Hit us up and see you on the flip side…
A little update - Current class/specs we are looking to fill:
Windwalker Monk
Happy to talk to others as there is always a way of making things work!
Please contact me on bnet ShadowStorm#2144707 or on discord ShadowStorm#9541
Recruitment still ongoing for 8.2
We have welcomed a number of new players either gearing up or making new chars, taking help and getting ready to get raiding for 8.2 welcoming those that want to raid and socials too 
A great guild for those having come back from a short or long break from WoW!
Please contact me on bnet ShadowStorm#2144707 or on discord ShadowStorm#9541
We’ve got a few new people but we’re still in need to make a raid team for 8.2! Now that there’s a set date we’re getting a bit more aggressive with recruitment so if you’re on the lookout for a new guild, look no further! We have experience leading a raid team from Legion and the start of BfA, so we know what we’re doing (not really).
If you’re interested please contact the guild leader on bnet ShadowStorm#2144707 or on discord ShadowStorm#9541. OR if you wanna talk to someone waaaaaaay cooler and better in every way then add me on bnet: Candycorn#2408 or discord: Candycorn#6356.
Howdy thanks for dropping by! - Looking to speak specifically with a Hunter, Mage, Deathknight (Frost/Unholy), Ret Pally, Windwalker Monk, Feral Druid/Boomkin - happy to talk to others!
With 8.2 around the corner this is a great opportunity to join a new guild where you can make your own home and help shape our group.
If you want to talk to me (the boss) my bnet is ShadowStorm#2144707 or on discord: ShadowStorm#9541.
OR if you wanna talk to my glamorous assistant her bnet is Candycorn#2408 or discord: Candycorn#6356.
Oi oi, we’re still looking for ranged DPS and a second tank! If you fit those boxes then please contact anyone on this thread. (But let’s be honest, I’m the best one to get in touch with cause I’m the coolest. bnet: Candycorn#2408 or discord: Candycorn#6356).
I was browsing through the forums, came across this fun post and was wondering if you still need a ranged dps (im playing demo warlock but i can also play destruction).
Currently im on Argent Dawn but i can realm transfer to Draenor
Friendly Greetings
Welcome Bananalock glad you could join us after a chat with Tiponya!
We are now a full raid team just looking to potentially talk to a hunter! Welcoming socials, those that enjoy m+ or anyone that is happy to be a more casual raider / backup for raid team slots.
If you want to talk to me (the boss) my bnet is ShadowStorm#2144707 or on discord: ShadowStorm#9541.
OR if you wanna talk to my glamorous assistant her bnet is Candycorn#2408 or discord: Candycorn#6356.
Yo we could still use some more ranged DPS! Doing Crucible HC on Sunday to get people curve. Please contact me or the other guy ^ up there if you have any questions or want to join.
Hello - We are looking for a Mistweaver or Holy Paladin
If you want to talk to me (the boss) my bnet is ShadowStorm#2144707 or on discord: ShadowStorm#9541.
OR if you wanna talk to my glamorous assistant her bnet is Candycorn#2408 or discord: Candycorn#6356.
Hi Hi,
If you’re interessed in joining a fun, top banter type of guild. You choose the right post, we at Arc Star Out are a bunch of wonderfull people.
We are still looking for healers(MW monk/holy paladin), Frost DK and WW monk.
You can always talk to the big pops bnet: ShadowStorm#2144707 and his wonderfull assistent bnet: Candycorn#2408
Or if you wanna message them on discord ShadowStorm#9541 Candycorn#6356
Hope we will see you soon and have a great time with us.
Hi there - hope you are all having a great weekend - we are only looking for a few more players to have a great team for 8.2 raid open !
If you are interested in having a chat;
Speak to me on my bnet is ShadowStorm#2144707 or on discord: ShadowStorm#9541.
OR if you wanna talk to the glamorous assistant her bnet is Candycorn#2408 or discord: Candycorn#6356.
We are still recruiting for the Eternal Palace 8.2 raid. Looking for Tanks/Off tank and a couple of DPS. Preferable DPS we are looking for are DK, Boomkin or mage, but others may still be considered.
The raid team is looking good got through a good chunk of the raid yesterday, we just need some more DPS to complete the team and stop looking for pugs every raid night! We really want some ranged DPS and a frost DK (for that sweet grip). If any of these describe your character then please contact me (bnet: Candycorn#2408 or discord: Candycorn#6356) for a nice chat!
Hello - Looking for a main tank and possibly a couple of DPS
If you want to talk to me (the boss) my bnet is ShadowStorm#2144707 or on discord: ShadowStorm#9541.
OR if you wanna talk to my glamorous assistant her bnet is Candycorn#2408 or discord: Candycorn#6356.
We need to fill another DPS slot, looking for frost DK, ele shaman or a mage! Please contact me (bnet: Candycorn#2408 or discord: Candycorn#6356) for a chat.
Hey all,
We are still actively recruiting for our raid team. Any role will be considered currently (With the exception of a few DPS classes) so please get in touch if you’re interested. Contact info above.
We are currently looking for;
Holy priest / Mistweaver
Elemental / Enhance Shaman
Feral Druid
If you want to talk to me (the boss) my bnet is ShadowStorm#2144707 or on discord: ShadowStorm#9541.
OR if you wanna talk to my glamorous assistant her bnet is Candycorn#2408 or discord: Candycorn#6356.