If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

If that is the case … It may have to do something with mythomania.
I’m not saying as an insult, since I suffer a similar episode from it quite recent when I’ve made the topic … 3 MONTHS LATER since it was 3 months later since I’ve made THANK YOU BLIZZARD/WOW DEVS, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!.

Out of frustration since I can’t play the game I love because it needs me to act as a matchmaking system, wasting countless hours, more then half of my time looking at the LFG window, I really tought I will not continue to sub. I mean, during BFA I’ve quit and didn’t even bother with the game until it was FIXED, but NOT in SHADOWLANDS, I like it so much, I am so damn sad I can’t play it. Well, it took me 3 days since my sub expired to resub again, and actually NOT PLAY.

TO be even clearer, Shadowlands is so great and gave me so much freedom, that it unfortunately gived me the opportunity to see how BAD LFG system is and how big of a need for #SOLOQUEUE this game has.
Both Legion and BFA forced me to do so much unwanted content just to be able to PvP, that the verry little time I’ve actually PvPed, I din’t had the time to see how bad LFG is.

Before Legion, I played 2ses with a Friend, so never had the opportunity to see how bad the LFG situation is.

I guess that is a consequence of multiple things: addiction + the passion and love I have for this game, FOMO as soon as the sub runs out (my brain starts to wonder “but … maybe I can play it in some sort of form”).

I am pretty sure that all present, or the vast majority people present and active in this forum are players that LOVE WoW. I say LOVE and not LOVED, since if they LOVED WoW, they can still get whatever they LOVED about it in Classic, but since they grip to the current XPAC, they are having some hard time to let WoW go.

It prob happens when you have played WoW for alot of years like a lifestyle, not like a normal game.


And @Tahra, trust me, without any BS, I really wish that all this community would be happy, non-divided, and pleased about the game.

Absolutely disagree.

PVP is about as bad as 8.3
Raiding feels literlally useless
Covenants are as bad as everyone said they would be.
Conduits are pointless.
Legendary items are underwhelming and not much customization to them at all. (A lot of one size fits all going on)
Anima is a horrendously slow grind

What exactly is SL offering right now?


This is the first time since WoTLK I just no longer feel like playing this game.

I’ll try again in a few months lol


Hmmmm do you still have corruption systems “enabled” for you ? :slight_smile:

As for PvP in general, it has balance issues since Vanilla, and it will always have them. Every class will have a counter, every patch will favor some classes or specs while unfavoring some classes or specs. That’s what is happening when you have 12 classes and 36 specs.

Well, vs Legion and BFA, we got PvP Vendors and most important an upgrade system for the PvP gear. A great addition that wasn’t in game ever.

Raiding … useless … what do you mean ? What do you expect of it ?

Covenants and conduits are bad if you are a min-maxer freak. But if you like to be able to feel a difference in your playing, then there it is, the RPG element. I really enjoy being able to enter the arena with different conduits, surprising the opponent. Sure they could have put the conduits in the talent tree, but I feel that would not work as well as it does now.

There’s a thing in life called OBSESSION, the more you try to achieve something obsesivly, the harder it will feel achieving that. I’ve got loads of anima playing naturally. But if people’s OCD doesn’t let them logicaly understand that the anima rewards are made for THE ENTIRE DURATION OF THIS EXPAC, not only for patch 9.0, then yeah, I can understand it will give them some OCD problems.

I don’t really care about the MMORPG part of the game, I just like 1. MULTYPLAYER GAMES, and 2. HOW well done is the core gameplay and mechanics. So I really don’t care if most legendaries are bs or not, if covenants are BS or not. I’m not a min-maxer and I like to play arena 2s the way I want to.

Freedom I never had *in a loooong time. It lets me not play for 1 week and it doesn’t punish me for that. It lets me play PvP without forcing me to grind PvE for gear or grind reputations for Essences. I like to play a game when I want to play the game. That includes not being punished if I don’t have the feel to play for 1-2-3 weeks.
I will gladly have my sub up, and if I only want to play for 1 week, it is my decision and I like that my time is being respected. I don’t pay the sub “to get content for THAT ammount of money”, I pay the sub becasue it is THE ONLY game with such great mechanics/gameplay character wise.

Do not worry I was not referring to you but to the monke.

I know who you were refering to :slight_smile: I didn’t know he announce his “last goodbye before unsub runs out”. :slight_smile:

Like it was before Cross-Realm came into play?

In a manner of speaking, yes.

A rapidly growing playerbase does not always lead to entirely positive outcomes. Some things get sacrificed in the process of accommodating that behemoth of a player audience.

I find it insane that anyone ever thought otherwise. They did nothing but make the outdoor content progress 4 times slower.

SL smells incompetence and disrespect towards players time.
Everything designed to make you spend as much time as possible doing undesireable things, while blocking or timegating the content you want to do.
So called cosmetics gate not only behind the time, but also behind the unrealistic amount of currency needed.
Everything in SL was designed to give the player as little as possible for spending as much time in the game as possible. Developers didnt deserve praise. Even 1.5 months afther the launch i still run into major quest bugs (like the Maw Elite Ones) and major systems being unbalanced garbage (Commander Table, Anima Conductor).

This bait title ( [IF YOU DON’T LIKE SL, IT’S TIME TO QUIT WOW) implies the SL is the pinnacle of WoW.
It isnt. Third from bottom at best.


I get that, but the difference could be within a 10% range, currently it isn’t. Convoke one shots people off screen, Ret paladins are hitting people out of nowhere for 20-30k+ crits, sub rogues are one shotting, Venthyr SPriests have an insane ability with 0 counter play, Fire Mage is Fire Mage.

These specs are that broken whilst in the same season certain specs are garbage. DK’s literally heal for nothing. Death Strike is a waste of a GCD.
Enh Shaman although quirky and capable of one shotting requires four GCDs to do anything.
You’re dead by your third GCD if you don’t pop a defensive as one of them.

People have been complaining about not getting loot from raids since the expansion launched, and I am one of them.
PVP is just so much more efficient at gearing up.
It goes PVP > M+ > Raids. It should be Raids > M+ = PVP.

You could not be more wrong.
I’m not a min-maxer, I went Night Fae Shaman and it literally made me quit my class, this Shaman went from my Main to my Alt because the ability is just so unfun.

Ignore the guy. I mean, is fine to like WoW and stuff, but doing so blindly, without seeing the very bad of it, is plain … let’s just say … unnatural ! :slight_smile:

Or maybe people should stop normalizing people being overly critical about every little thing in the game, whining about grinds in an mmorpg, saying that people lose their Jobs because the same 30-50 people don’t like anything in the game no matter how much effort is in it.

Now Legion is known as one of the better expansions of the game, yet during that expansion, the same people who whine about everything now were still here, making up their little stories about how the game was so dead that there were no groups in the group finder.

If these people would just unsub and play something they enjoy, these forums could be a better place as well. Who the hell decided that its supposed to be a negative place and everyone who loves the game should leave? Get off your high horse.

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Even though I’ve not posted in this forums until SL, I rarely come and seen and recognized some names and their negative attitude no matter the xpac we were in.

When life gives you lemons and you don’t know how to make lemonade and you eat them raw, you will probably be just sour.

So you couldn’t just swap covenants ? :slight_smile: JC … so you’re telling me that you quit YOUR MAIN CLASS bacause you were lazy enough to swap covenants ? I don’t blame you if you did that, but don’t blame the game and act like the game RUINED your MAIN CLASS becasue it didn’t gave you an option to change your covenant. Because the game HAS that option.

When renown cap was 24, I have leveled my renown from 1 to 18 in 3 days on my fresh dinged 60 rogue. After one week I was 24 and 2 days later I swapped covenants. Sure, I had to relevel the renown on the new covenant and it took ~2 weeks to be up-to-date, but I’ve done it.

The game gaved you the option to try out all 4 covenants and their abilities while leveling. It is a consequence of your chosen path.
Life has so many fork paths you will have to chose between, man that would be so cringe to “quit” every time instead of just take it like a man or woman, and get up and redo what fits you with the experience gained from both successful runs or failed runs.

“Am i out of touch? No it’s the players who are wrong”

Agree with the OP or not, the main point is that at its core SL is WoW,much more then BfA.
I understood the complains during BfA but in Shadowlands?

Im not talking about one particular feature, im talking about the expansion as whole and in that regard, if people trully find Shadowlands to be really bad, then the OP got a strong point.

And besides, what are people doing here if they are feeling miserable and suffering?
Really, its your life, what are doing with it?
Suffering thru it?

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I really dislike how they tied player power to covenants, that’s my main grudge with SL so far

They still dont get that even if damage systems seem to be almost perfectly balanced people (even casuals) will choose the one that outputs the most

tell me the last time you saw a necrolord mage, their sets look dope but they lag so much behind in dps it’s laughable and no one plays with that covenant basically

summed it all up right there

saying that this expansion is better than BFA isnt saying much…

also just because the game is better it doesnt mean people should be happy with it, i chose to play a warlock because i like playing all 3 specs, because of the shoddy design decisions made by blizzard it is currently Impossible for me to play all three specs in a manner that i deem worthwhile,

in order to do so i would have to be able to actively swap between covenants and also actively be able to use the same soulbinds on all 3 specs, which is not a possibility, therefore even though the game is in a better state than it was in BFA it is still not in a particularly playable state for a lot of players.

the fact that they have added a lot of covenant content and essentially locked off 75% of it to everyone meaning that from that standpoint of covenants you basically have 1/4 of an expansion rather than a full expansion is not a good design idea to begin with.

dont get me wrong, there is a lot of good in SL and it is a vast improvement when compared to BFA but there is still a lot of work to be done, and the main problems that a lot of people have that does remove a lot of potential fun from the game are systems that seem to be getting ignored and a blatant refusal to fix by blizzard so thats why people are unhappy

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Did not have to do that in bfa either. The only grind was for flying and that was a rep grind which you got by playing. They are not going to hand you flying on a plate are they?