Legion was a McDonald's meal

Looks good, feels good in the moment, but then you leave with all that sugar and fat in your body and you just know it’s not good for you long term.
This is exactly what Legion was.

Legion heralded a new era of World of Warcraft.
The era of intricate borrowed power systems, AP grind, terrible class revamps, and extreme alt unfriendliness.
All of the above have plagued the game for the past 6 years, and are only now going away with the launch of Dragonflight.

Think about it the next time you want to praise Legion.
Sure, it had a lot of enjoyable content and it delivered in many aspects, but just as Sargeras’ sword has permanently changed the landscape of Kalimdor, Legion’s legacy has kept making the game worse years after it was over.

All my homies hate Legion.
And trust me, bro, I have A LOT of homies.


Anything that came after m+s introduction, is better then anything that was before it.

Unless we talking pvp, which sure. Before legion was better.

We can at least agree on this.

The damage done to class design feels beyond repair at this point.
It’s like a completely different game.
We went from RTS levels of depth to MOBA levels with a single patch.

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Homie is an English language slang term found in American urban culture , whose origins etymologists generally trace to African American Vernacular English

I have a lot of questions about, but I’m going to stop here…

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Why are you still playing then if you feel that way? Is it addiction?

Now I’ve had to look it up. I always thought it meant homosexual friends.

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Legion had class identity, which alone made it better than anything released post-Wrath.


I loved and i love legion.


Legion was so popular people were begging Blizzard not to release BFA, because they felt the release was rushed and there were still so many things to do.

Ahhh I miss it…

Me too! Legion was awesome.


What have you done with you char pic? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

she’s really shy

I’m wielding a staff. It’s a gnome thing, you wouldn’t understand.

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Legion was and still is my favorite expansion, if you could go back in time and play it again the only thing id have done differently is chose who i hung out with better. :stuck_out_tongue:


And I kept yelling to everyone. No matter how good content it was it brought something very very bad to this game. And that’s borrowed power and one expansion systems. Dragonflight has no borrowed power but has one time expansion systems. Proffesions and Dragon riding

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We had borrowed powers in this game since Tier set were introduced. Tier set are passives that will generally drastically improve your character and potentially change how you play it and stop being relevant once the next tier of raid is released.

And guess what? Most people love them.

Being “Borrowed” is irrelevant, they are extra passives or extra buttons to press that are part of your kit for a certain duration. Guess what? Every single one of your spells can be removed or completelly changed every xpac and sometimes even just inside a patch.

Yet you don’t consider talent trees to be borrowed powers, do you? It’s just part of your kit and your kit will change every xpac. That’s how WoW works.

I’ve always felt like “borrowed powers” were a fake problem, one of those irrelevant thing that people raise as an explanation for why a nearly 20 years old game is dying.

It’s dying because it’s old and literally no matter what Blizzard do, young gamers won’t start their gaming life by playing 20 years old games.

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Hopefully that sugar rush (and its follwing slump) is in the past now. Dragonflight seems to be moving more in the right direction in terms of gameplay and systems.

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Legion and MOP were the best expansions.

we will see what DF has to offer


No tier set are carried over expansions. They just change what they offer you. Legion came up with borrowed power that was taken away completely. BFA, SL now DF they didn’t continue with their borrowed power or one expansion systems. But true borrowed power is just top of the iceberg.

NGL, when i read your threads i imagine you stood at the top of some kind of precipice, gospel in hand spreading the word over the people.

failing to realise that gospel in your hand was hand written, what does that mean?

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