So if i write anything in bgs i’ll get mass reported and flagged lmao.
I just got a notification that i got reported multiple times for ‘’ abusive language’’ and only thing i wrote is drek or kek.
Btw i’ve been reporting same bots in deadwind pass for 3 weeks and didn’t see them getting banned once gj…
I’ll just link one of my recent answers today about this:
A chat report is not the same as a cheating report. Regardless, Blizzard does banwaves for bots. They may have already been banned but generally tend to return with new very similar named bots.
Brother i havent been playing any other versions of wow for 2 months , doing av for 3 days and this pops up also this is a known issue that if you talk in av you get mass reported ever since 2019 release. Community is in fault on this too but its mainly automated garbage report system.
I’ll cite myself clearer since you didn’t read further then the first sentence.
False reports will be discarded, it is not a Blizzard account action.
I advise you to check wow reddit or just any active fresh classic raiding guild discord. Couple people got 2 days suspension after seeing this notification. I do not trust their automated ban system. And probably i will also get banned in 2-3 days actual joke company
Oh also yeah for sure they returned with similar name next day and powerleved to 60 in like 12 hours right ? Also farmed same gear. Same bots are in deadwind pass 7/24 nothings been happening.
All chat related penalties starts at 7 days silence in general. So this is false. Reddit and other discords cannot be considered “proof” as videos and screenshots can be edited.
For actual first hand evidence, check the US CS forums.
Edit: For example, two other threads where I helped players with similar issues report that they’ve been reported for a few days or a few weeks yet nothing happened to them:
There are countless of other players on the same topic. It is blatantly false that you get penalised based on reports only. The reported player in question must also have violated the terms for the report to be deemed valid. The overt majority of all penalties are valid after a secondary check, and you may always appeal if you happen to get penalised.
That’s good, because penalties are given by humans.
If you did something you may get penalised. If your conscience and behaviour is clean, you have really nothing to fear.
That is how banwaves work, an investigation may already be active in the background.
When someone reports you they report you with everything checked. Including cheating , boosting deranking , griefing etc. This is been a very common issue and it isnt false either. Multiple people that i know missed a raid or 2 for this exact reason.
I guess you either not playing the game at all or living under a rock or playing with a really small close community only. This has been happening for years and it became so huge that its been getting memed on.
When was the last time you started a ticket and didnt get a copy paste answer ?
They clearly aren’t.
I didn’t do anything worth banning neither did the people i knew that got banned for 2 days. This is completely automated. Say a single word in av and you get notified next day and most likely banned in a week.
Literally 1 guy checking known spots once per day could solve all the problem. Also that 3 week wasn’t even a joke or exaggerated. Log in on anniversary realms or any classic realms. Same people same gear same level farming same known spots for weeks / months / on era even years. There are even guides on youtube having 5 figure views about how to bot on classic wow and even they are mocking this report system.
Generally customer support uses templates. This is industry-wide and not considered Blizzard specific.
They clearly are. Often players hide details about themselves to make their case look good but Blizzard can see a surprising amount of details about your account. For good reason.
I notice that you’ve moved the goalpost from several days, to one week. You’re being rather inconsistent with your assumptions.
You dodged the linked threads evidence that disproved your point and were unable to provide a counterargument.
I’ll finish with that:
Attacking or assuming things about me personally is not a counterargument.
A meme is not an argument. Hearsay is not evidence of anything. Don’t believe a random redditor, youtuber or whatever that only keeps rambling on without showing you actual evidence.
Peruse the below two previous linked threads that are similar to your core worry of the behaviour warning at your leisure and wonder why they didn’t come back to create a “I’m banned after a behaviour warning” thread.
I may also add, a behaviour warning popup is not required for Blizzard to immediately levy any penalty. So the entire rambling around it is kind of meaningless.
I once falsely accused Saneko of something he did not do.
I apologized to him here in the forums, but never got a response. It would have been good sport coming from him, but I do not resent him. I can be tough to digest at times. I will stick to my apology though, in case he didn’t see it.
Still, he is constantly forced to play Blizzard’s advocate, which in this day and age must be a tough spot to be.
What are we supposed to expect from him? A… yes, the reporting system sucks?
Just look at the sheer amount of posts that have critiziced this same issue over time. It is kinda clear at this point, there is zero intention to improve it for now, so that is that. Best is to play around it, so you make sure you do not trigger a mass report on you…
Banwaves are useless tho, but i guess it does make it appear blizzard cares, waiting long enough for the bots to come back due to break even. Win win for bots + blizzard, only losers are us the players who are paying to actually play.
He does not have to do that, he is not paid by blizzard. Its his choice to always defend em.
The guy isnt forced to play it , he choose to do it. He is not a CM . I guess he really likes being green.
Mvp’s are not blizzards advocates or forced to do anything dude, its a feature on forum given to people that are seemed helpful with the community which is us, so in that sense advocates of all of us
Just don’t use public channels. It’s not worth it. The only thing I ever post is one message of “LFM Dungeon need role” in LookingForGroup once every 5 min while listed in LFG.
I’ve “learned my lesson” after getting a 1 week complete all-channel silence for posting the “Patchwerk fat american” and “Dark hedgehog blessing” memes in Molten Core genral channel during raid. Didn’t spam, didn’t curse, didn’t engage with people directly. Just posted two humorous one-message long memes with maybe 3 min delay between them. Apparently that constitutes “abusive chat”, as confirmed by an AI GM who closed my appeal.
With only dungeons or group quests left for me to do at that point in the game, this was tantamount to a week long ban. À propos, did you know if you are silenced, you can’t even reply to whispers others initiated, can’t list yourself in LFG, even a leader who invites you can’t list his group in LFG. You are essentially forced to solo grind mobs for a week.
I grinded 33k and 110k honor in AV already, and I have, quite deliberately, not said a single word in /bg doing it. Don’t use public chats.
So why - bc you know their botting places - can’t you habe an eye on those and kick them bots the moment you see them?
It’s not at all funny to see them around after days/weeks.
My friends list is more filled with bots than with friends atm. Any time I log in they are there. E. g. 4 fishing bots in Silverpine who are shifting as 2. You see X and Y logging out while A and B log on. And those are only four.
It’s really sad that Blizz doesn’t have control over it’s own game.