Looking for a small-scale social guild with a cool name

Hi! I haven’t played in a few patches but I’m back and looking for a new guild.
I’ve done multiple Curves and even some mythic raiding, but now I’m looking for something with a bit less commitment. I like raiding, I don’t like having to set apart multiple days to gear up a character and keep it up to date and raid.

So instead, I’m looking for a cool group of people to talk with while I run all the storymode raids and delves and follower dungeons. But if you have a spot open in raid I’m happy to sub for someone or whatever - I’m planning to level this shaman to max level and main it, but I also have a healer and tank ready if needed sometimes.

I’m looking for a cool group of people that are open to new members that don’t know all the inside jokes yet. Maybe we can make some new ones? :smiley:

Hit me up in game or here if you know that guild please!

Hey :slight_smile:
You could consider us ^^

Hey Mirat, be happy to have a conversation with you about hanging out with us. Have a look at my thread over here :slight_smile:

I think we’re cool, no one gets my jokes so they never get a chance to become inside jokes and there aren’t any others to worry about as I’m the funny one.

Unfortunately we don’t have a cool name as we let our smutty fiction loving raid lead name the guild and most of us didn’t realise what we’d signed up for.

We’re not the biggest group but we’re always happy to have someone else on discord and there’s always a space to join in with raids etc.

Guild ad

Thanks for your replies! I’ll look at your ad posts because I’m very curious and I miss spamming chat to people

‘Belan Shi’ means ‘thank you’ in draconic. :slight_smile:


Take a look at our guild!