Update 13/4/19
We saw some confusion about a specific part of this post so we want to be clear that Customer Service will NOT be transferring items in WoW Classic and the system that we outlined will be in the players’ hands. If we were to go down the road of developing a policy on item trading, we believe it would end up allowing the exact same kind of abuse that we are trying to minimize with the 2-hour trade window system which we outlined in the original post.
Ninja looting does have consequences in the community and those who do it will have trouble getting invited to group. In other words: your reputation will matter. Remember to play nice, play fair folks!
Original Post:
At BlizzCon 2018, we talked about how we plan to keep loot trading in World of Warcraft Classic. We added loot trading in Wrath of the Lich King to solve a common problem: a player could accidentally loot an item meant for another player or give it to the wrong person using Master Loot. They would then have to contact Blizzard to get the item moved to the intended recipient, which might take days. We wanted to keep loot trading in WoW Classic because the end result is the same – the correct person gets the item – and it’ll save everyone time.
But we heard your concerns about the potential for abuse of the loot trading system in parties of five. It’s possible that abusive play could take the form of a group of four players colluding to deny loot to a stranger who joined their party as a pick-up. Raid groups, being much larger, come with more understanding on the part of solo players that loot distribution can depend on the whims of the many players and raid leaders who know each other.
Taking that into consideration, we’ve decided that the two-hour loot trading system in WoW Classic will only apply to soulbound gear that drops in raids. Soulbound loot that drops in five-person content will not be tradeable at any time. What we hope to do is to strike a balance between saving players time and minimizing the potential for abuse of the system. We think this approach better addresses the concerns we’ve heard from players on the subject.
The BEST solution!
Thank you <3
[Please follow-up in the same spirit for sharding!]
So UBRS loot will be tradable. Is this a correct conclusion? Please clarify.
This is not ideal solution, but I think that most of my concerns are resolved.
Thank you very much for this Blizzard! Better not to risk it than having the potential to be abused.
Ty so very much, it,s not perfect.
But not much in life is.
And woot!!! i do not know, what you guys asked santa blizz.
But this is my wish list froma few weeks back.
I,m sure most off us will compain at time, and fight for what we would like to remain ingame.
But one thing is clear to me, you guys do listen.
And, ty for that.
This is awesome! Hopefully you’ll also implement a RP-PvP realm! 
An actual reasonable compromise. I am very impressed by how the Classic team is responding to feedback.
As a solution this is not perfect but it does resolve the vast majority of concerns related to loot trading. With raids being almost exclusively ML the fact that you can trade afterwards doesn’t have nearly the same potential for abuse that is not already inherent to the loot system.
Nice! the best solution!
i’m glad Blizzard is actually listening to feedback.
YES IM SO HAPPY this was one of my most biggest concerns. This solution is one of the better ones. Thank you!
Also, a lot of news from Blizz recently, hopefully soon enough we’ll get clarification about “limited sharding” whether it’s starting zones only or…
Excellent, a much better solution. Personally I don’t see the need for loot trading at all and believe most loot issues will be policed by the playerbase but of course there are times when people genuinely misclick while master looting. This is a good compromise.
Thanks once again for the update it really is much appreciated, now I just need to hear that you won’t be using sharding and I’ll officially move from cautious optimism to legitimate excitement.
Great new. Thank you for listening.
Raid groups, being much larger, come with more understanding on the part of solo players that loot distribution can depend on the whims of the many players and raid leaders who know each other.
Taking that into consideration, we’ve decided that the two-hour loot trading system in WoW Classic will only apply to soulbound gear that drops in raids.
In other words, ANY LOOT that is soulbound and drops when the players are in a RAID GROUP is subject to loot trade.
Which INCLUDED UBRS, as long as there is a RAID GROUP doing UBRS.
So, loot trading will NOT apply to 5 men groups.
What is so hard to understand? UBRS is a RAID, because you can run it in a RAID GROUP.
I am more than pleased with this. 5 men groups will NOT going to be subject to loot trading.
Thank you Blizzard for listening and understanding us.
Next : right -click reporting. Please consider the POTENTIAL abuse (as you did it with loot trading) of such a system.
Either remove it completely from Classic, or have an actual GM review the reports before squelching.
Cheerio !
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Great news. Thanks!
Edit: I didn’t expect an update so soon. Keep it up!
Nice, that sounds like a good balance between the two situations.