so I was thinking… how about instead of punishing leaves which will not work much do this
Allow 1 “replacement” mid run (note quotes and it’s not real replacement)
The new incoming person at the end of the run wouldn’t get rio/crests/loot etc.
the person “leaving” could only leave on their own, i.e. cant be kicked and if they are , they are not ported out of the dungeon if they don’t wanna leave - this way it can’t be abused for spite removal and troll replacements as the instance would be full and newcomer couldnt enter
So if someone genuinely leaves/ragequits/dc - they can be replaced by a “friend” helper - the rest of the group gets less crests and 1 instead of 2 items
the key cant be increased in level
the quitter doesnt get rio./completion/mailed gear
This seems convoluted but that would be essentially useless for “abuse” and "“Boosting”, yet it would allow people to finish a key in circumstances.
So, an example
“You run dawnbreaker, it’s mistimed, the elitist leaves cuz they dont care. you are 4… but your guildie said they can come help you finish. he comes - you get less crests etc but still you finished”
Why would anyone replace for nothing? Well… that’s what friendship is about - I myself would help others for 0 benefit.
Maybe this is the approach? I’ve seen the dumbest “leaves” from m+ on last boss even within timing possibility in past seasons… IDK - replacing and time required to replace would mean the “key with replacement” would most likely be bricked by the virtue of wasting some mins to get a new guy in.
One “abuse” would be that the leavers would not leave, and instead adopt a stance of “I’m done, kick me bro”, thus preventing their replacement via your own rules.
if they leave the get kicked out… I wrote that, no? If they get removed they are not kicked. simple
And if they decide to AFK mid-run… well, you can’t prevent that in any situation right now either, no?
Most people ragequit to “save time” not to spite others, you know.
No. You misunderstood. Someone who would in today’s world leave, may not actually leave, and instead could grief the group by remaining in the group but no longer contributing anything - trying to force the group leader to remove them from the group - except they would then, under your proposed rules, remain in the dungeon, preventing the emergency replacement entering.
Look Vulaang, this is the 1000th post about leavers that you post here. And I will repeat it again. WHERE ?
Please look at my Rio. Look at the massive list of untimed keys I have. For various legitimate reasons. The ONLY keys that were abandoned with out completion were NW because of the 3rd boss. And only AFTER giving it 20 more tries and failing.
And ONE time, a player had a legit emergency in a SB9 and had to leave. And we 4 maned the dungeon. Not in time, but we finished it regardless.
So I have to insist. I am NOT a special snowflake. But it seems YOU are a special snowflake that every party you end up in, wants to leave it. Why is that ?
And it is. All that stuff can be solved with Key charges (the easy fix) to allow for second chances when something goes wrong. Some in this forum prefer this approach.
OR, simply allow alternative routes to increasing your key-level. Which is the approach I prefer.
Paying Valorstones to increase the level. And to choose which dungeon.
And timing any key from other people increases the key level of your key as well. So if you got an +8 in your bag, and you time a +8 from a friend. YOUR key gets upgraded to a +9 as well.
This would solve some issues with M+. First: Crests and Valorstones will become useless once you are fully geared. This gives that currency a life beyond just gear upgrades.
And second, it gives alternate routes to increasing your key. AND it shares the risk/reward of timing a key or not to the whole group. Not just with the key holder.
And its solves your issue. The very RARE occasions when someone leaves, your “loss” is not that severe if you can get your key back easily.
huh? link me at least three i did LOL - two will do as well - you are malding so hard it’s funny.
PS: Im not posting on leavers - mentioned it once in that big post a while ago and uh, that’s it? but people write about it here every other day - you are just on your journey to spite me. ooga boog bid bad angry orc ooga
your rio disqualifies you from this conversation as it’s clearly not aimed at your Team M+ pushing level but at average PuG situtation you never do. case closed.
If you think leavers are rare then you just run too many premades. that’s all.
You finish mistimed keys which means nothing, so did I.
But abandoned keys aren’t registered anywhere. the typical abandonment in pugs is - tank pulling too much and leaving either mad at themselves or healers or whatever… you have no say here because you are too elitist and you are completely out of the loop.
Btw, it’s not my intention to completely crap on your suggestion. It’s certainly not the worst I’ve seen on here. I was merely pointing out one avenue that would be abused by some players.
You may be underestimating the extremes that some people who play this game (granted not most) will go to in order to grief others.
i’ve seen a lot - but this kind of stuff doesn’t happen all that much really. happens but people might exaggerate that part a bit.
and griefers usually just play rogues in war mod and gank lowbies.
Plus, this argument is kinda moot.
Uda who is malding over there posted in one of my threads that he would deliberately leave my key after starting if he ever grouped up with me. So like - you can’t prevent dumb in any circumstances.
I play with 1 mage friend of mine. Thats it. The rest is Pugged. 100%.
I DONT ! You assume that.
But I had to do SB9 8 times. 8 times depleted, 8 times completed. And then SB10 5 times. 5 times depleted. 5 times completed.
And that has been my “experience” since the season began. With 5s, then 6s then 7s and 8s… I depleated a TON of keys. ALL completed in the end. That is the data that shows in Raider IO.
And the data that DOSENT show in Raider IO, which are incomplete dungeons, they are mostly NW because after 20 wipes to the 3rd boss the whole group voted to simply stop right there and leave.
I literally did a +4 last night. With Pugs. And its not the first time. I am so starved for Valorstones that I often do 4s and 5s to farm them. So I see exactly what is going on at those levels. And yeah… people are not “good” but its OK. Dosent matter. NONE want to leave, ALL want to complete the dungeon. Leavers dont happen as often as you think.
Like I said. Its not possible that EVERY group you join has issues. Dungeons are tough. People make mistakes. And for some reason YOU are the snowflake that has all the leavers ? Sounds weird to me !
You pretty much torpedoed your own thread with this.
Its no longer a discusion but a simple echo chamber. If somebody doesn’t share your experience then he is an “elitist, gatekeeper, premade and everything else”.
I also disagree with your view that leavers are such a common occurence. Sure they happen from time to time but thats life and cost of doing business with pugs. Guess that makes me also an “elitist” then.
friends could be called in. sad you don’t have any.
people in Legion were running “depleted keys” to refill them with no reward. So… well, think about that.
At this point I think you project a bunch of random posts you read here onto me for some reason - never I said anything about all my groups. But uh, can’t expect much reading comprehension from someone like you…
again - reading comprehension. never here I wrote it’s super common.
But at the same time you have FIX M+ LEAVERS threads here every day or every other day.
Look, I understand this - you and some people reached the “cultist” level in WoW - someone outlined how certain people just do nothing but “disagree” on forums for the sake of it - seems you are just one of them and given you are online 20h a day here then you are like that panda guy now. sad.
but anyway
just a bunch of random recent posts (i still lowkey expect you to retract the claim I write them repeatedly - you wont because you are too stuck up but you should)
So you are trying to tell me that your equisite skill and Social Network for M+ and personal circumstances and anecdotal evidence is “based” and everyone is wrong since the introduction of M+ as “leavers” have been an issue since literally dawn of the game mode and people have a feeling it’s getting just worse, wheter it’s true or not?
And while we are not devs, your way to… “talk”" about it is attack everyone with any suggestion, insult them, and claim you are better, smarter, higher rio and you know better because you are smarter and higher rio (you keep bringing it every time - is this your only achievement in life, genuine question)?
sure, bud, your mom sure is proud of you
Well. It is you who is actually attacking and insulting anyone who is not jumping on “leaver” bandwagon and outright refuse to accept that people can pug m+ and not have leavers or at least not to a point where it becomes a problem for them.
Edit: But anyways. I think this thread is another childish “I am right and if somebody disagrees then they are shills, elitists,gatekeepers, stuped” and etc. So nothing to see here and lets move on. It is the weekend after all.
I can’t take suggestions seriously when the one making them can’t accept fair criticism at how, if the suggestion was implemented, could be abused and not work:
Now you’re telling people they don’t have friends.
Stop making suggestions if you can’t accept people disagreeing with you. Forums are open to all to comment on. Besides, more posters, more of a popular thread, more likely Blizzard pops in here to look.