New account restrictions must be removed in anniversary classic

There are restrictions for new accounts which prevents them from using AH, Trade or mail for 28 days.

I’ll note that I don’t have those restrictions, my account is not new. However I met quite a few players with this restriction.

I think that those players basically cannot play anniversary to the fully extent. It’s like forced self-found. They’ll leave and that’s probably sizeable chunk of players who wanted to try classic.

I understand that those restrictions might be necessary to fight botting, but they do more harm right now, they fight actual players.


Please Remove it… il come back playing and it makes no sence,… the server has no economey or do some ID or Phoen Check to unlock account…


It is very annoying. My guild is sending me greens but I feel bad not being able to send anything back or use the basic trade system up atm. A whole month of this is somewhat ridiculous imo.


This needs fixing as a priority. It’s absolutely INSANE.


It should also be mentioned that Blizzard themselves said this should only affect SOD. So get it off of Anniversary realms now, PLEASE.


That is outdated information from April when it was first introduced back then. It even mentions that they’re going to follow up as soon as possible which they did in their next post here:

Which at present day states:

If you encounter these restrictions on any other WoW Classic characters, you must first pay for game time and allow 26 days to pass. You can confirm your order date in your Transaction History. Game Time from WoW Tokens does not count to lift this restriction.

Recently edited 3 hours ago, which means the information is up to date.

If you have feedback do use the ingame suggestions box

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In that case, it needs immediate attention and fixing, because it does much more harm than good to new players coming back for the new release.


ive made 99% of my mount money on fresh start with selling bags and stuff… now i cant beacause im a new player lol…
cancel trading for new players on a FRESH realm… wtf


I suggest we all follow this link, click the NO to Did you find this article helpful?,
and then tick the box: I’m frustrated by Blizzard’s process or policy.


Good point.

It was a dumb rule when it was introduced and it’s still a dumb rule. It affects genuine players in a negative way more than any benefit I can see from it.


Agreed. The idea that people (if they suffer through the restrictions) will reach 60 and not be able to use the economy at all is ludicrous to me. That is going to be AWFUL.


The restriction is the dumbest **** I have ever seen in gaming. Especially in a frickin MMO?? I have convinced my friends to play with me anniversary classic and they all wanna stop playing because they CANT play the game normally for 26 days. Basically the whole game time. I dont wanna support you anymore, I cant, I tried. There is no point for them to play official WoW with these stupid restrictions. You will lose any rational fresh player. Good job :).

Thank you Blizzard.


I have thoose restrictions, and imo it is really crippling ure whole gameplay. It also degrades newcomers to become beggers, since they don´t get the same chans to buy what they need. Not all get the drops they need.
I do think it´s even a backward way that I can sell stuff on AH, but I can´t buy anything, and I can´t pay friendly player who want to help me?
As an example, I started on the new server, and I can´t get any bags, unless if I can pay the vendors extreme prices. So that´s how annoying it can be for us newbies.
And that´s just one example.
I don´t ask for mutch, but I do think I should have the same rights to the gamingexperience as everybode else, since I am paying the same price for it.
Why am I to be punished for wanting to start to play?




I have a very hard time believing that people are so selfless for the newbies, to the point of pushing so hard for a change for their “friends and newbies”
Maybe one or two people have good intentions but I’m inclined to believe that most people pushing for this change have second intentions for their own convenience, legal or not

Yeah, my convenience is being able to trade items with my brother who just started the game and is playing on the anniversary realms with me. I’m a villain, truly.

I promise you the bots and gold farmers who make a living doing what they do have gotten around this a long time ago. The only people meaningfully punished by this are legitimate players now.


so I did the free trial a while ago, was waiting for this to come out to pay for the sub, and now I find I can’t trade, no bags, no way to get any, can’t even buy off another player, @Blizzard! what the heck??? I literally cannot play like this, I feel scammed to be honest, I just paid 9.99 for a game that I can’t actually play! and It was not made clear to me when I was buying that game time that this would be the case!!! so either remove the restrictions and allow me to play the game I just paid for or give me a refund!


This! exactly this!! when I paid, there was no mention of any restrictions.


Tell me you have no friends without telling me. :slight_smile: