So, its been a while now since the game came out, not just this expac but you know, World of Warcraft. You’ve had some practice with other expansions, just one or two.
Maybe, maybe release a patch that works?
I’m not sure working as intended is going to wash when you release a patch with alpha level bugs? I mean, they’re not small ones. Huge lag in open world, esp Ard. Loot issues galore, input issues, quest issues… I took all this to your ever dismissive ‘support’ team and was told in no uncertain terms, “Tough, if enough people complain, there will be compensation but there wont you’ll all just suck it up and pay for an unfinished release”.
But they did suggest to me that I should come to the forums, so, here goes!
I don’t expect this to come to anything obvs but maybe if enough people speak out, the little people can win a small victory.
PS - “Hmmm didn’t expect people to play the game! here’s some free transfers from your home to try to fix our failings” Is also not an acceptable answer.
I agree 100% , 1st week of shadowlands i could only play the game from 00h to around 13h then it was 300 mint quenues ,lagg , then they gave free ttansfer , i lost like 1 day just scouting around best realm for me in the free transfer list , the one i wanted was not even full , so i openned a ticket asking if i could transfer to that specific one , they replied like i was 5 years old and said no (obvious) , then i had to wait 24h for my toons to transfer afther starting the process , then reallity hit me , even today all is “pve” due to warmode , populations aint the same i was in a pve realm for 12 years , changed my gameplay experience a lot tbh , so ye its time for compensation , i didnt buy this on kickstarter as a project …time for compensation