We can't earn any conquest points after 2v2 Rated Arena Matches

Thanks for the reply. I get conquest/honor with other people in rated arena but not with this specific friend, only person I want to play with and the main thing we wanted to do. It’s an issue a lot of people have had, found all these in a very short space of time:







I’ve already seen some people with the same problem. I can’t win honor or c. points after a 2vs2 arena. I tried 3vs2 and 10vs10 and they give me honor and rating, but not 2vs2. Do any of you know how to fix it?

Thank you,

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Hello. Me and my friend suffering from same issue. Please fix it Blizzard. It’s been days and yet we can’t earn any conquest points after a rated 2v2 arena match.

PvP is the main reason that we play this game, so it’s pretty dissapointing.

Ps.: sorry for bad grammar.

Are you getting honor at least? I don’t and I don’t know how to fix it.

Nope. I don’t get honor either. Only my rating goes up…:confused: No reward.

Same issue like many others. Not honor/conq capped, neither is my friend.

Edit: Topics and posts were split and moved into this one.


A friend and I are no longer receiving Honour, Conquest or Anima rewards from rated PvP, from both wins and losses.

Up until we hit 522 rating were getting honour and conquest, from rated 2v2 arena, then we lost a few and then we both stopped receiving any rewards from this activity.

We are still receiving rewards from random battle ground

my conquest is 1135/4950 i have 610, so i don’t appear to be capped.

Is this a bug, and if so - is there a way for us to reimbursed? We have about 4 wins and 5 or 6 losses where we have sadly received no reward (except rank increase - currently at 496).

Thank you : Uwantsome Death Knight emerald dream:

Seems there may be a bug but you’ll have to submit an ingame bug report for that, 2nd button from top Anub’Arak icon.

Don’t think it is a bug sadly, see my other post:

Same issue for me and my friend, neither of us honor/conquest capped and this is now a bug that’s months old, it’s really disheartening.

Edit: Topics and posts were split and moved into this one.

It’s not correct sadly, I have been getting conquest with other people and for the other people with this issue it seems many have tried this to no avail. There was no intention to spam just to let all these people know I’m in the same boat, supportive not spam. I will try and chill out, I’m just upset at how my/the issue has been dealt with by the GMs.


I’ve already seen some people with the same problem. I can’t win honor or c. points after a 2vs2 arena. I tried 3vs2 and 10vs10 and they give me honor and rating, but not 2vs2. Do any of you know how to fix it?

Thank you,

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I’ve already seen some people with the same problem. I can’t win honor or c. points after a 2vs2 arena. I tried 3vs2 and 10vs10 and they give me honor and rating, but not 2vs2. Do any of you know how to fix it?

Thank you,

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Hi all,

I tried to merge the recent topics I could find so we can keep this in one place.

As a few players have noted already, the key here is just to keep playing.

There is no set minimum rating for when you can start earning points, but depending on who you play with and your combined previous match history it can take a few wins before you start earning rewards.

Again just keep playing and you will definitely get there.

Best of luck with the matches everyone!

Tried getting past 500 as suggested, we are now both 500+. It hasn’t worked, I can provide screenshots.

Ok it worked! after we had restarted our games though.


  1. why didn’t someone tell me sooner?
  2. why doesn’t it say in game that this is the case?
  3. why don’t 99% of the players know this? people who have played the game for years…
  4. why didn’t 2 GM’s know or wouldn’t tell me when I opened a ticket? (I also in other threads people who opened tickets were not told)

Seriously? It took us 10 games to get a win and we got squat and your answer is just to keep playing? If bosses didn’t drop loot for people until the 5th kill you’d fix that.

Yeah annoying they seem to say either “it’s working as intended”, “keep playing” or “good luck” instead of saying you need to get over 500ish rating. Seems pretty bad customer service to me.