Why can't we queue for mythic dungeons?

And the point is that us casuals don’t want to “compete” just to get into a group ffs. We want the convenience of just pressing a button and getting into a group automatically to play the content. A game shouldn’t feel like a job application.


What is stopping u from going into the group finder, list your group and wait for the ppl to apply to your group? U dont even need to have requirements for ilvl or anything, just accept the first that applies to the needed roles. There u go!

Do u play retail? U made a topic 4 days ago asking if classic players could play bfa. Did u lvl up and gear up ready for m+ since then? I think u are just trolling, u ignore all the posts that doesnt suit u. What is your agenda with this topic?

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I see the OP bambuzeld ya’all really good… took you for a long ride.

gr8 b8 m8…

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We all know he’s trolling, but its weekend and i’ve got nothing better to do :popcorn:

Maybe you didn’t read my post that the reason I stopped playing retail is because there is no automatic dungeon finder for the real content at endgame. Normal and heroic is fake version designed just to faceroll with no effort and no rewards. The insulting thing is that Blizzard thinks casuals won’t realize that this is just meant to pacify us while keeping us gated from the real thing. I just want to log in and play without having to worry about applications or spreadsheets, but apparently that’s a radical suggestion.

The irony is that the elitists are saying the LFG tool takes no effort and is as quick as dungeon finder, but then say dungeon finder shouldn’t exist for mythic because they need to be selective and exclude anyone who doesn’t have high ilevel or is still learning the mechanics. Hmm.

Go play the games u prefer then, have fun! :blush:

It’s easy to get a minimal ilevel for mythic 0 in a couple of days. Benthic each slot and the weo quest from naz is sufficient, world quests for rings and trinket (trinket may be unlucky but there’s usually 1 ring up each day). If you’ve been nursing your HoA and do the quest to quick it to level 35 your ilevel should easily be around 380ish.

Re: groups if UR finding a hard time getting into groups as minimal level as dps yeah, that’s normal as dps are common and many will be higher ilevel so they will be picked. Your options are make UR own group and wait or apply like crazy. Alternatively wait a week, work on your gear by upgrading your benthic bits to 400,this will upscale WQ rewards a bit so rings should be dropping at 395 too, may get a wep or trinket emissary. You’ll fare much better at getting 0s at 400ish ilevel.

Also check communities page on forums. I believe “calm keystones” for horde and “scared of dungeons” in alliance are two communities set up explicitly for people to just run mythics without as much competitive nature. Alliance one is kinda open invite but u need to catch a mod of community to whisp for invite on horde.

Can’t speak for calm keystones as I haven’t requested invite on any chars yet due to level, but I’ve been in scared of dungeons on ally and it’s perfect for people who don’t want all of the hyper competitive parts of mythic but want to try out higher keys (when they are ready). I was running 10-12 regularly on my monk as tank and dps which was enough for me, getting a couple of groups a night. Often lower groups would have a high ilevel helping them to help them gear. Maybe give them a look.

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So your solution was to play Classic, which has zero fully or even semi automated grouping tools for any PvE content.

“They” say that if someone who is like the person you pretend to be wants to play with players who are still gearing up or who want to learn mechanics, there is the option to create one’s own group. The only thing you can’t easily do is get carried through M+ without paying.

Anyway, looking at your other topics, like this one where you refer to retail end game content as being “pushover content”: Blizzard please tune MC to give us pre-1.12 difficulty remove whatever doubts were left about your agenda.

But there are actually people around that are like the person you mimic, so this was still a good exchange.

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Whatever there is to be said about being able to make your own group and so on, OP does have a point here.

I was a hardcore raider before I quit Retail, and his point is one of the reasons why I quit. I was BORED outside of organised high-end pve.

I might have stayed had there been some moderately challenging content available for casual players or raiders during downtime, without having to always plan ahead, commit to a schedule or spend a potentially unreasonable amount of time looking for a pug. It really would have been nice to jump into something that wasn’t a faceroll whenever it took my fancy.

I am not advocating for Mythic content to be in LFD, but I am advocating for there to be less of a difficulty gap between Mythic content and “the rest”. Certainly this would be great for players who do want more of a challenge than casual content presently gives them but can’t do Mythic content due to life circumstances.

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“Some” complained, yet it was enough for Blizz to nerf it…

Just want to add Zen Hordes as an option if u’re horde (but OP already said he didnt want to play with ppl from community, but for maybe others that are interested in doing mythics in a chill manner).


Of course you can queue for mythic dungeons, it takes you exactly 5 seconds. 10 if you’re slow.

The real wait time, which can be up to 30 minutes to a few hours depending on class and RIO level, is being accepted in those groups. Some classes do get instant invites due to MDI, such as restoration druids and protection warriors.

Well, in my opinion, when you do something extrodinary, you should be able to “feel special”, even in WoW.
It’s that drive that keeps WoW and the whole IRL world alive, and keep having people chasing their dreams.

If the Hardcore player’s wouldn’t feel or be special, we wouldn’t have Method for an example.
Why would people bother for arena? We would never see the E-sports of Arena or MDI. And why should people compete for Raiding, if not to get the praise and “fame” and feel special?

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So you’re saying it makes you feel special that casuals can’t queue for the same content?

No. I am saying that there should be an option for people to try their best to reach the tops, and that it is a good thing that it can happen with likeminded people.

And then I am saying that it should be allright for those who sit at the absolute top, to feel special.

Because if you can’t… then what’s the point in chasing it anyways.

I agree, but what does a dungeon finder have to do with elite players feeling special?

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I and two friends who consider ourselves casual meet up twice a week to knock out some mythics together.
We fill out the other two slots in the premade LFG and never have a problem.
Yes you sometimes get people that don’t know the mechanics too well, but so long as you’re nice about it you can still have fun (the point of playing a game) and help someone out at the same time.

Try using that, there are groups that don’t use RIO and are happy to just play the content without outside website interference.

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Nothing really, and that is why I say that from my perspective, dungeon finder would be ok, up to and with +10

Ty for this, loved the vibe of SoD, so if the Anna mentioned is the Anna is know of from there, I will be parking me hordes there for sure.

for lower end bad players like you there is still things like lfr, random hc dungeons and classic.

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