wPvP - Is unbalanced - You were told

I’ve noticed numerous posts along the line of “The faction balance isn’t balanced”, all. The expectation of these players was 50/50 servers battles. I’m here to remind you that you were told that is almost never the case. I think it would be a good idea of the have a repository of this knowledge of the following. I’ll try and keep this OP edited and i encourage anyone who warned of this knows of people who did to link it here.

If you roll on a PvP server and you are on the numerically disadvantaged Faction
You will be farmed for honor
The PvP battles you fight in will be 3v1,4,v1 5,v1 or worse
You will be corpse camped
You will be graveyard camped
You will spend hours and hours on corpse running
Flight paths will be camped
You will be unable to level your character if you are behind the curve
Level 48-60 will be virtually unplayed outside dungeons
Blizzard do not have a documented history of resloving these issues by way of intervention
Your server will not have a good faction balance - this has been the way for a long time.

No, it will not get better when BGs come out (at least not significantly). Some players just want to make your life miserable that’s the game for them. Most of the Dominant faction players won’t be able to get into BGs so unless you spend you life in BGs they’ll step up their camping even more and finally a lot of the players on the outnumbered faction will have given up or moved on exacerbating the problem.








This is the result

Is this only a problem while leveling that will stop when i get to 60 - no.

  • see subsection

Common Problems

* A player of the opposite faction is camping or killing NPCs

  • A player keeps killing me over and over
  • Keep getting camped and can’t play the game at all

What can i do?

-Carry on how you are
-ReRoll PvE


My belief is that now blizzard will do something about it. Have you not noticed a different approach from them in the last year(s)? Plus now the game is unplayable also due to lag, not only the faction imbalance (and from my experience playing until TBC this has never happened like this). More than this, blizz needs to keep us interested until they launch the next retail expansion. It’s just my opinion.



Most people who roll PvP will roll Horde as it is believed to have better PvP Racials this means that how ever you re-arrange the player base one side always has more.

There is already a solution and there has been for 15 years - The PvE server!

And once more you were told this would happen.

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There are more solutions, not just the ones you and me think about. One could be faction transfers. Another could be q for dominant faction if server cap is reached so that the other faction has priority (short term but effective). The bg q will also be an incetive.


You pay for Retail, Classic is an extra free option for your sub, so no Blizzard doesn’t need to entertain you by changeing anything in Classic for you while most ppl who waited for years for Classic release want it #NoChanges !

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no, I don’t pay for retail. That made me giggle a little bit :slight_smile:


The problem with that it would be only temporary solution everyone would migrate to some servers and then they are followed by enemy faction or if not followed, they will be the “stronger” faction there, ohh yeah I forgot if they are the strong ones then it’s “fair” ! :laughing:

The points is that if factions are balanced…both factions have great fun. If not…none has. Is it so hard to understand? Dogs get it… :slight_smile:

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Yeah but how could Blizzard guarantee a server is and will be Ballanced? :smiley:

I’m afraid these points are mostly not

If this is from PvP to PvE then yes otherwise no as Hore Likley outnumber alliance on every PvP Server

There’s no way that’s going to happen there’s no way a system that puts 80% of the players in a queue for the other 20% of players - or similar numbers

This will only make the problem worse as the dominant faction will be forced to wPvP (Gank) even more as they can’t get into BGs.

That just made me imagine Blizzard training dogs and sending them into housholds with WoW accounts and the dogs are trained to bite your hand if you try to roll a faction on a server where it’s unballanced and has too many of that side! :laughing:

This has never been the way in practice - just check my OP.

Suggesting people should be made to queue just because they are on the dominant faction, is utterly stupid. If anyone needs to be made to queue it should be those who clearly didn’t realise what a sh*tshow they were letting themselves in for by rolling on a PvP server?

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I would maybe added that the reason for this is Blizzard allows larger server populations. (Ie. more population densities are much higher) And a maasive imballances on PvP Servers. If you expect a Vanilla like PvP server experience it is not going to happen. So if that is what you are looking for, you are out of luck. No WoW for you at this time. (Go play Red Dead Redemption 2, it is awesome, and put you subscription on hold)

You do realize that if the factions where more balanced and lower, it would be a lot easier to get honor, and that the lagfest would stop? So per faction Queue would solve the problem to some degree. If you are not happy, use the free transfer.

Just like it was on original Vanila, fantastic for a while. It got annoying. BGs were introduced and PvP in the world remained very common but the FP camping, GY camping and etc wasn’t such a large feature as most hardcore PvP players were in BGs. When they arrive your experience will improve, don’t worry.

I’m afraid this will not be the case

The horde players won’t be able to get into BG’s so they’ll just farm honor by camping

For a lot of gankers that’s what they get out of the game, all the want to do is ruin your day and make you rage. That is the game for them.

If people are not happy they could re-roll on a PvE server too! The solution is in the players hands.

I think its hilarious all the PvP ‘heroes’ are crying because not a single one would be here protesting for the other faction if it were they who were the dominant ones. Let that sink in for a moment.

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You do realise that if those people do that…all you have left to do is duel for gold in front of Orgrimmar and then server dies?

I see no hordes protesting on behalf of these, the seem too enjoy there advantages. It like when the incas burned the rainforest to make mortar. It all fun and games until the rain stops coming.

For some reason you seem to confuse the terms of PvE and PvP with Balanced and Unbalanced. There is a big difference. People want to PvP, but on more or less balanced servers. No one is complaining PvP on PvP servers.

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