Horde = Monster play?

Yeah but unlike german and russian forums its hard to communicate on english forums so if you studied german at school or something I would recommend spending more time on german forums. There are 0 bad replies to each other on people and you will always be respected by other germans , austrians or swiss even if your point is wrong to them.

tink most allience pvp good 1 gone horde

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Practice what you preach then. You’ve insulted people on our forums calling them “pindos” or “low quality pvper”.
Remember, nobody owes you respect. It’s earned.


Its not like you say. You hear none of those from austrians , germans and swiss :

Also what to say this , they make it to another russian too.

These are against other russians. Just 2 mins search. Do you have anything to say? They are not to me.

Click and join and read ,they rage them.

Do I have to search and link all the insults that you used against eu players? Lana, for the love of God, stop it here. Really, just stop.
Why do you want to create a bad atmosphere at any cost? Why? Why do you have always to move the subject of a topic into something else? Just god damn why???
You make lose the patience also to saints LOL

Its almost impossible to write something on english speaking forums with ru character if you bothered just clicking and reading.

And once again you totally ignored what I wrote just because you crave to prove your no sense point. STOP. Im done. You dont deserve so much attention. You are worse than teenager girls.

Ok now why are you doing all this? Explain me, what is exactly your purpose. Let’s see if you are gonna be honest.

Edit: Say to your friend the truth and dont spread false information please, thanks

Respect to russians , just click links I posted all russians get critics about bad things. You just pointing me like I’m the only one getting critics.

Dude now you really need to stop with this crap. You started yesterday to cry because accordingto your opinion everybody was against you.

Now i want you to think about how you started to write on this forum. You started to insult people by calling them pindos etc (as moonrush already mentioned) among the many other offensive things you said. Do you really expect people to answer you nicely after all that???
And it’s not because of your nationality, it’s because of YOUR ATTITUDE. The point is not your Country, is YOU.

Now, for some unknown reason, you are changing subject. So now its not only you the victim but all the russians. I mean, cmon this is facking unreal.

Oh really IF you bothered just quick search on russian vs eu player replies on this forums , and see how eu players react to russian players. Its not too hard.

Im done with you. You are just a troll that has nothing better to do in his life than spreading misinformation. Im not gonna feed you anymore. Cya.

Yup this is from other russian player. He says xenophobia. Omg so false information.

because why not, you can get to r1 no matter which faction you play in, this racial are just poor excuses for players who think it’s the games fault if they are stuck.

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Yeah you can get rank 1. But if you have same quality player with your skill , alliance player will have a little more advantage.

Omg this guy is toxic af …insulting everyone and then cry that everybody is againts him. Wow just wow…imagine some eu guy posting this crap on RU forum. Just go on RU forum and call everybody retards and troll here every day 24/7 i bet everybody will like you here…ffsake just stop its so cringe its sad.

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I dont care what you are posting on german forum but i care what you posting here and its horrible. You are toxic calling us pindos…what do you expect? Why you even doing this ? You are seeking attention?


Maybe try use google translator before replying because you obviously cant understand english. Or you just ignoring it and trolling. You are so cringe bye