iLvL Gap in gear is fine, you are the problem :)

another thing he forgot is the scaling that results in a problem when you put max gear vs. lower gear.
Then we got abilities that just one shot players e.g. 30k templars.

Just as a fact:
Ilvl 200 WL: chaosbolt about 12k
Ilvl 226 WL: chaosbolt about 20k

max numbers with trinket and double bolt.
Clearly 25%, dont ya think? =)

This isn’t what people asked for. There has never been an expansion with such ilvl and power disparity in pvp gear… ever.

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The post is linked, you can read it yourself if you don’t accept the quotes.
People whine when there is no incentive. People whine when the incentive is too small. People whine when the incentive is too big. Nothing new :slight_smile:

You definitely will find several people saying:

Right…rating requirements were not on the ENTIRE gear set. They were one or two items of consequence, of which the biggest upgrade (weapon) was always lowest. This is not the same as we have now, the disparity is bigger.

But yes, you could probably even find people who like this system. They’re probably boosting and making a fortune.

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Not really. Almost every item was tied to rating in tbc s4 and wotlk.

Bigger than what? You have people who can easily hit 1,8k with covenant gear, that’s 220 ilvl, max ilvl is 227. I claim that’s not big at all.
But I get it, yes… people want to faceroll and be almost equal geared to high rated people. I wouldn’t mind wotlk gearing, it won’t change anything for the people who are complaining tho. They will be still hardstuck just with more gear and slightly higher rating.

That’s exactly why I said people will always complain, regardless if we get no/small/huge incentive.
Yet you can still clearly see people been not happy with templates and if you go back to wod times, you will also find threads how people disliked not having any progression in PvP and how annoying it was to play with bots/afk people cause they been just farming honor.

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Every item in s4 except weapon and shoulders were below 1.8. Now when you hit a boundary, your entire gear set is upgraded, including weapon (which is easily the biggest upgrade for everyone). The ilvl differences were also smaller throughout the old expansions. So now we not only have rating gated gear, but it affects the entire set at each boundary. I dunno how that can be considered the same but for arguments sake, the difference between the entire set of S3 to S4 was 13 ilvl…

Its just inherently crap and has also made alting stupidly unfun. Maybe the 1 win change will lower boosting but the overall feel of playing arena currently is pretty bad I think.

Dunno what your afk bot farm brings to the subject, previous set could be gained in a week and then you didn’t have to set foot in bg if you didn’t want to. Its irrelevant to arena (well it was, now you need a crap ton of honor too).

At the moment the changes they have made - make no difference to the pvp gearing system itself, make pvp gear worse in pve, honor gear is still useless, pvp trinkets may still be an issue in pve even with the ilvl difference and the amount of conquest/honor gain is still very low, making alting more than a chore.


Ye, you needed 2,2k rating to be fully geared and I remember people been crying a lot. All the weapon > class > skill - spam :slight_smile:

Ye and getting ilvl 220 is actually easy. Look, you for example got ilvl 220, do you feel the 6-7 ilvls to max gear is holding you back?

Gearing alts is annoying, I agree. But not because of the rating requirement on the gear, it’s because of the high amount of conquest you need while you have no catch up mechanics. On top of that obviously the community.
When my friends been still playing we needed like ~70 games to get to 1,8k quick in 2s and then it was all about farming rbg for conquest and honor. Now I need around ~110 games (on a dps class) to get to 1,8k with randoms. The annoying part here is to sit in lfg for hours. As a healer it was more difficult, it seems dps classes confuse many people this expansion. (talking about no voice scenarios only)

In tbc I needed over a month (playing kinda casually) with an AV pre made to get the full honor set. Without a pre made it would definitely take way longer. In WoD ye it was around a week of the most garbage gaming experience I had in 22 years of gaming, not even kidding. Followed by people playing full geared alts with literally no experience on that class/spec.
Being afk in a battle ground in order to get competitive gear makes absolutely no sense to me, it’s not even a grind. At this point they could have literally just gave everyone a full set of gear for free.

Their new “gearing system” has nothing to do with PvP, I never argued for that. It’s just a PvE change idk why some people think it was somewhat PvP related.

When Ion says in interview that they are considering to return WoD style scaling of PvP gear you want to say that I am supposed to expect the change which is solely focused on PvE?

This change obviously is fully PvE focused. If I got it right 9.1 is not done yet, correct?
Maybe they will go live like that, maybe not. Maybe Ion really wants the WoW community just to git gud :slight_smile:

No not really even if we were outgeared almost every game and met a fair number of boosters. At the start, gearing was definitely an issue - meeting anyone with glad is also an issue due to the weapon differences. Mostly the design is horrible so I haven’t played for a month or more, alting is too bad which I tried but gave up as it isn’t worth the effort. I’d rather play some shooter like valorant right now than grind hours and hours with people 20ilvls over an alt.

I only played 2 seasons of TBC since I was at uni at the time but I joined midway through S2 and quit midway through S4 and I don’t recall getting the previous set being difficult. The rep grinds were a pain but TBC is a world where you have one char and modern WoW isn’t.

WoD was the very expansion I even alted and I don’t remember it being a problem at all. If real WoD gearing existed now, I would still play probably.

I honestly expect, if they make no changes to the gearing that people will play and then quit for TBC til end of season. Their approach of making so few balance changes is also a huge problem imo (I guess its fine Rogues have had to change covenant 4 times but everyone else is fine).

I dunno - SL has imo a lot of potential and it seems they are throwing it away to me.


I noticed that it is PvE change even without you mentioning it, but when they said about it no one was expecting them to implement only part of it. If you were reading threads the feedback about it was pretty positive on this section. Turns out all they did is catering to PvE community outrage about PvP gear being better.
Let’s hope that it isn’t the only change.

Clearly 25% :smiley:

Gear disparity now in pvp suck , but anyway ion and the entire discussion was for pve part of the game you can see preach in the video after the interview , he said it was all about pve cause preach dont speak about pvp anyway we should hve some pvp public figure to speak with devs

What a stupid argument. I can also search for quotes that supports the opinion that it was the best system they came up with.
Here, three random quotes I find from searching “WoD gearing system”:


I could tell from my experience but it doesn’t matter. Can link quotes but it doesn’t matter. Can link recent poll but it doesn’t matter. Who cares?
You can drop the numbers maybe so we can compare it? Since it doesn’t matter what Venruki says.

Damn, I didn’t know he came in at legion times. Makes so much sense, because that is where the game went and turned into a grindfest with borrowed powers and chores to do instead of having fun. PvP for me took a nose ive after WoD, and has never been fun since.

I played since BC, and tbh I really miss WoD, beacuse for PvP, it was very fun, not the most balanced sure, but hella fun. Was easy to gear, I had so many alts and was playing all the time, because I knew I could gear something up real quick. Class design was funky and fun then.

Remember Hunters having exotic munitions(and SV was still ranged), the perma slow. Rogues had burst of speed. Frost with its stupid heal spell, so you rarely died, and shadow was hella functional back then.

Man I miss WoW of old. Was much better than this garbage we have today.


I think one has to be careful with these narratives of who was responsible for what and when.
The reality is that players aren’t privy to what goes on internally at Blizzard and what players imagine is probably not true.

For example, even though Ion Hazzikostas takes over as Game Director from Tom Chilton during Legion, then it’s not like Legion reflects all that Ion stands for and none that Tom stands for. And it’s not like players know what either of those two guys stand for in terms of design, or if they stand for anything at all!

Regardless, here is Tom Chilton introducing and talking about the new PvP design for Legion, after he also talked about Demon Hunters and Ion Hazzikostas talked about Artifacts and Class Order Halls:

So be careful with trying to simplify matters to a point where they fit a narrative and therefore make sense. It’s neat, but it’s not necessarily the truth of the matter. Confirmation bias, jumping to conclusions, yada yada yada. :slight_smile:

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