Lore Tidbits Thread 4

Stop auto-locking Telaryn’s lore threads :triumph:

The quest Crushing the Cores from Cataclysm seems to suggest elementals can permanently be killed if their cores are destroyed, or at least if destroyed in a certain manner.

These searing guardians are murderous! We destroy them, and within minutes, they reignite from the ashes.

I think there’s a way to destroy them permanently, but we’ll need someone who can fight through the front ranks.

(Character name), kill the searing guardians and take their smoldering cores to the nearby anvils. Smash them on the Twilight Anvils, and destroy them for good!

Previous lore tidbits threads:


At a guess this just stops them from immediately returning to Azeroth in the same spot, but they’d still be reborn back on the elemental planes.

Thank you Valdanyr, very cool


Good idea to bring this back. Lots of people levelling means a lot of lore tidbits to be uncovered, or re-discovered.

Something which is perhaps common knowledge among orc and tauren RPers, but something I personally just found out about now, is that wyverns are apparently sacred to aforementioned races, according to the quest The Turd Problem (yeah, it involves you killing wyverns because 1. the pc is a scumbag who likes gold and 2. this goblin lass had enough of wyverns pooping over her town and is paying you to get rid of them).
Wyvens also seem to be capable of understanding both Orcish & Taura-he.

Next, from the novel Beyond the Dark Portal, it seems that one can faintly discern what is visible on the other side of a portal, much like the in-game mage portals. This does conflict with the case of the Dark Portal, for instance, both in-game and in cinematics.
Of course, the example from Beyond the Dark Portal IS the Dark Portal. :crazy_face:

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I recently just completed the Monk Order Hall campaign on Reesu and decided to read the artefact knowledge scroll/book and wow I learnt a lot of little things that intrigued me.

I think the main one that comes to my mind is after Kang found Xuen on Neverest, Xuen told Kang “Look upon the Mountain, what is it you see grow?” (Or something like that I can’t remember it exactly) and then after Kang responded by pointing out the trees, Xuen told him to be more like them opposed to the plants growing on the ground etc.

You then learn it was those trees that made the first temples in Kun’lai and Shei’lun itself and it just interested me quite a lot those little details in the order hall books. I’ll probably go through more and see what else there is.

The Peak of Serenity was also built upon where a Pandaren Slave first told a Mogu Emperor to go kill himself. The Emperor said he felt generous and wanted to do something to make all of his subjects happy. The Pandaren Slave tending to him asked when is he going to kill himself. The Slave was slain and the peak was considered cursed by the Mogu for such an insult towards an Emperor and considered off-limits.

Kang and his rebels used the Peak to train their monks in secret, knowing mogu won’t go there and as a symbolic gesture towards the slave’s bravery.

The Shado-Pan Monastery was also built on top of the palace of the Mogu Warlord who governed over Kun-Lai. Again a symbolic gesture of a symbol of fear and tyranny being repurposed into a symbol of freedom and protection.


The quest takes place in the Firelands.

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“lmao kys”

Oh, well then yeah they’re totally wrecked for good. RIP those guys.

Arcane magic has a floral scent. Dalaran is so saturated with magic that normies like Arthas are disoriented by it.

Dalaran was beautiful, even more glorious than Capital City. It seemed almost impossibly clean and bright, as a city based so deeply on magic ought to be. There were several graceful towers reaching skyward, their bases white stone and their apexes violet encircled with gold. Many had radiant, hovering stones dancing around them. Others had windows of stained glass that caught the sunlight.
Gardens bloomed, the fragrances from wild, fantastical flowers providing a scent so heady Arthas was almost dizzy. Or maybe it was the constant thrum of magic in the air that caused the sensation.

The same motif is repeated later when Jaina notices the same phenomenon and the scent is attributed to the magic in the air, but as a mage she’s used to it and finds it lovely.

Jaina Proudmoore hummed a little as she strode through the gardens of Dalaran. She’d been here for eight years now, and the city never lost its sense of wonder. Everything here emanated magic, and to her it was almost like a scent, a fragrance of everything in bloom, and she inhaled it with a smile.


I don’t think those quotes are saying that arcane magic has a floral scent. The first one seems to suggest that Dalaran is full of gardens with exotic plants, and either the scent of the plants OR the thrum of magic in the air made him lightheaded. The second seems to be likening the thrum of magic to the fragrance of flowers in bloom, rather than saying that it is.

edit: it seems to be more of a literary tool to give normies an idea of what a magical aura about a place would be like /to make it kind of relatable.


Elwynn Forest suffers from horrendous winter rains that makes the roads completely unsuitable for travel, even for lone individuals ((presumably)) travelling via horse back, in a wagon or at the very least their own feet.

Word of your need for a tutor for your children has traveled to me here in Goldshire, where I take up temporary residence in the Lion’s Pride Inn. Due to the unfortunate state of events in the region, I was forced to abandon my post as Headmaster of the Moonbrook Schoolhouse. Please accept my application to serve as tutor for your offspring. Headmaster Crillian of the Academy can speak to you of my abilities if necessary.
I shall travel to meet you in person when the winter rains subside and the roads are suitable for travel once again.
Until then,
Stalvan Mistmantle of Silverpine.

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Something that I only recently picked up on myself because of twitter from yesteryear from the great M. Neilson in the sky (praised be his name).


A Blood Knight’s potency in using the light used to be dependent on how close they were to M’uru.

Even though they isolated themselves from the Alliance after Daelin Proudmoore’s death, Kul Tiran merchant vessels shipped goods to Alliance ports across the world since at least Wrath of the Lich King.


“Doom” curses from Warlocks can only be removed by the casters in question; otherwise they always end up in death. It can be slowed down by any proper alchemist, tho!


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This type of curse originated in Warcraft III, where it is the level 6 ability available to pit lords.
As can be seen, it works much like described in the quest text, with the added benefit (depending on who you ask) of manifesting a doomguard (they were stronger back then) upon the target of the curse’s death.

A version exists in WoW, too, but understandably it is less powerful, and doesn’t quite function as the lore suggests it does.

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Ahh sweet addition to my text, thanks! I am new to Warlock stuff! :smiley:

All Dragonbreath attacks can set things afire!

We know that Black Dragons breath Magma and Red Dragons breath Fire; which obviously set fire to whatever they touch!

-but- the Green Dragons breath attack(which is usually nature-related) has been used in Nordrassil to set fire to a Twilight Encampment! Which makes me belief that the Bronze Dragons Sandbreath and the Blue Dragons Arcanebreath -also- should be capable of setting fire to everything…

Results may vary, obviously(See Bolvar with the Red Dragonfire keeping him on the brink of life for ever, etc)

Gnomes are apparently capable of recovering from whatever difficulties they encounter, this is due to a innate resillience aiding them in their survivability.

Horde races consider gnomes to be pitiful weak and miniscule. How a gnome would compare to a goblin however is unknown, especially since Broxigar considered goblins extremely strong for their size and was nearly beaten to death by a few unarmed goblin laborers.

The Elder Crone has sent me to this warzone to research the other races. More specifically, I am to collect gnome samples. Magatha is primarily interested in their survivability. Aye, the gnomes - while pitifully weak and miniscule - exude great resilience both in and out of combat.

Fortunately for you, I am looking for ruffians to do Magatha’s bidding. Return to me with tufts of gnome hair and you shall be known to the tauren as an ally.


In Hearthstone, gnome paladins do exist, including a unique Mechanostrider mount!


And last, gnome hair is quite suitable for blood elven wigs, which also means blood elves wear wigs!


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Sounds like they put gnomes on par with cockroaches.