Mists of Pandaria lost near 4 million subscribers

This might be upsetting to a lot of people, but the reason why WoD got scrapped was because of the huge investment of Mists of Pandaria still lost them a lot of players.

Let us first take a look at this graphs, the date of the patches and the subscriber amount at that time:


It is often said that the content drought of Siege of Orgrimmar was the reason why MoP lost its subscribers.
The truth is that it lost about 2 million subscribers prior to the release of Throne of Thunder, to some considered a massive success.

We do not have the information wether or not Blizzard lost more customers in the West as a result, but regained somewhat of that loss in the Asian market. We do not know how badly MoP suffered in the West, and perhaps it is the doomfall of MoP why we’re in the state of what we are now.

People generally think the issue were pandaren, and they were right.

Technically Chen Stormstout was present in Warcraft 3.

As an easter egg.

You see, Chen was never a requirement to beat the Rexxar campaign in the first place.
He did not have any lines.
He did not say anything.
He did not appear in any cutscenes.

Now ask yourself how silly it would sound for Blizzard to suddenly revolve a whole expansion for these “kung-fu pandas”.

By the way, the MoP reveal trailer is one of the most massive disliked videos on their youtube channel.

31K dislikes.

Not to mention that the Asian fantasy setting was a huge change from the European fantasy setting, not well taken. I can imagine that people who were interested in Asian fantasy in the first place weren’t playing World of Warcraft. With good reason, and I don’t blame them.

Nontheless, another thing I see pop up a lot nowadays is how the PvP used to be so great.

Does this look balanced to you?

Anyone remember second wind?
Avatar not being rootable or snarable for its entire duration?
How about Hunter’s stampede?
Oh wait, elemental shamans 2 shotting people with lava burst?
Or how about Warlocks being invincible tanks for a period of time.
Unholy DK’s rampage rings a bell?

I played MoP.
I played through every patch.
The levelling zones were a chore to do.

Valor gear was locked behind repuation.
Can you even imagine that? That you had to get exalted reputation with about 6 factions to even do something with your valor points? Can you imagine that now?

For some reason, Mists of Pandaria was the highlight of their WoW career.
That’s their opinion, but for Blizzard Entertainment, it absolutely was a disaster.

Maybe food for thought, WoD did so bad and got scrapped not because it was made up at last thought, but because MoP did so bad profit wise.

Mists of Pandaria only gained a measly 900K subscribers.
It is true that is not the lowests increase, with Wrath of the Lich King gaining only 500K subscribers. But the big difference is that WotLK mostly maintained those subscribers throughout the entire expansion.


Everytime I see someone mention how Mists of Pandaria was the golden age of WoW, the best expansion ever to date. I puke a little.
You can like it, but it certainly wasn’t a good expansion overall. it did actually pretty damn bad.

Ofcourse compared to BfA and SL? Yeah you’re right, but that’s a really low bar son.


Rent free in your head.

How many anti-panda, anti-vulpera, anti-worgen threads are you going to make exactly?

Also, dislikes are way higher on more recent trailers despite WoW having far less players. Your argument is nulled.


Rofl you literally picked out one argument and ignored the rest.
Not my fault MoP failed so much my man. Can’t ignore 2 million players quitting within the first 2 quarters of the release year.


Every expansion since, and cata itself had a sharper decline than MoP. Every expansion after has had a sharper decline than MoP. Stuff like this is exactly why they stopped giving out sub numbers, because thick skulls like you just look at numbers and go ‘IT ALL BAD’


That’s not true either. Cataclysm lost 3 million subscribers, MoP lost the same number, if not a bit more.
We do not have the information about the rest.

Keep coping tho.

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You’re the one inhaling the copium - we have MAU and other data to go off of now which is a better determination in the first place. But I guess you can’t read those and don’t pay attention to shareholder meetings?

Plus, you ask tons of people quite a few loved MoP and a ton of people hated Cata. Cata did have better PvP Imo, but everything else was worse off as this is when they pruned old talent trees and made it so you couldn’t really do cool hybrid stuff with it.

But, people like you were blinded going “NOOO Asian themes, noooo pandas! I don’t wanna try this game!”

Make a poll. More people will vote MoP was a better expansion than Cata, BFA, and SL alone.

Go look in the comment section of that very video you linked about the ‘dislike ratio’.


Clearly you are. I have stated numbers, evidence and graphs. With explanation. Patch dates and the like. Going against made up, fabricated nonsense like people claiming MoP did so terrible because of the horrible content draught at the end of SoO.

I’m not the one on copium.

You mean me and 3 to almost 4 million players? :wink:

Also hilarious, I have stated I played the expansion. I even got the Kor’Kron war wolf.
Do you own that one I wonder? Who played it more?

Yeah, not sureon Cataclysm, but the bar isn’t really that high for the last two.

Dude, there’s no need to be upset.

You do not come up with argument at all.
Instead you act obtuse and bring up things that do not have anything to do with the points I brought up.

And yeah, Asian themes are bad in a game that was based upon European fantasy, who would have thought that the reaction was going to be different?

It’s not really rocket science.

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To the op, WOD did not get scrapped due to MOP. First we had a change in game direction, with Ion taking over during WOD. Secondly WOD was scrapped because the developers took the idea of player housing, turned it into a garrison, and then built the entire expansion around it.

The result was that the developers did not realize how much time would be spent developing the garrisons and they were falling behind their development schedule. So they cut their losses and ran and put the extra time in Legion.

MOP was the last good expansion of WOW, it was full of content, a good story, and had much to do for everyone. It was also the last time classes were balanced and felt good. Compared to SL, any expansion is better, including BFA and that shows you how bad SL is.


Blah blah but subscribers blah.

Not a coincidence if MoP is regarded as one of the best expansions we had. Best gameplay by far, ToT was a fantastic raid, flex raiding, reforging, challenge mode, tons of open world content, it just did a lot of things right.

That’s a you problem.

PvP is garbage and imbalanced in every expansion, that point is irrelevant. Still they managed to promote it with Krasarang assault and Timeless island.

“But but the numbers”

We get it, you want to feel extra special denying it was a great expansion for the majority of the player base, but you need to try a bit harder


Did Cataclysm START on a decline from a previous expansion? Nope. Cope harder.

Yeah, people like you… Which is probably why community wise MoP felt so much better. :3

Again with the misgendering because you have no argument yourself.

It’s not just based upon European fantasy, cope harder.

WoD had whatever ‘european fantasy’ it is you think WoW has and declined way more than MoP. :3

Also had your favorite race front and center, Rektem, Orcs.

There’s a reason people for Classic WoW servers want them to skip Cata but do MoP.

I mean even Legion here is being praised left and right but early legion did suck.

  • Having to rank up all different artifacts.
  • Leggos totally random, might get a totally useless one followed by another putting your character behind in power compared to others.
  • Relics were really annoying because you wanted specifc ones.
  • Unstable Arcanefreakingcrystal.
  • 7.3 fixed leggos (way too late anyway) and introduced that light/shadow crap perk system in the vindicaar.
  • 7.2(?) Introduced the “Uncapped” talent that made you constantly farm AP cause reasons.
  • A lot of classes “reworked” for the sake of the artifact, making the more linear and boring.

So you really did think that video I linked and the other PvP garbage I summed up was fair and balanced and fun to play against?

I don’t want to feel special. I just want to remind everyone that the best expansion lost almost 4 million subscribers.

Best expansion am I right?

There’s no need to be upset.

Yeah but Cataclysm had terrible decisions through the expansion wise. I’m not saying Cataclysm was good either. It had its faults aswell.

Fact that MoP gained but a measly 900k subscribers.

And WoD gained 3 million :joy::joy::joy:

The difference is that WoD lost players due content drought, and MoP lost players due to aesthetics.

Also way to already start taking the victim stance lmao.

Also a good point you brought up.

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and yet, kept them far longer than WoD and every expansion since.

WoD continually lost players after launch. Huge bleeding before even the first patch. :3

Continue to be factually incorrect since MoP is Perceived to be one of the better expacs.

I see right through your posts and the real reason you make these threads just like you made the thread that you wanted Vulpera removed.

The bad things about Legion was the fact it introduced borrowed power and we got mythic plus, but the good outweighed the bad because we had a really good story, tons to do, and the zones were much better. Not to mention we had Illidan apear again and WOW actually killed off an alliance leader in the form of Varian Wrynn, which was not really expected.

Plus think of the variety in mounts, class sets, and even the legendaries. I mean we were able to wield some legendary weapons in WOW lore, plus we were able to get cool mogs for these as well.

You can find flaws for anything, anywhere, if you look for them. But whats the point? It was a fantastic expansion and nothing will ever change my mind on that. Puke if you must :wink:

This entire OP just feels like…


I am sorry, but i disagree. Even back then the lore was :poop:

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Don’t forget Legion retconned a ton of lore aswell.

So you really are just upset and have a personal grudge.



You’re the one making whole threads consistently out of personal grudges against races.

Are Druids Furries? And What about Tauren? - #16 by Rektem-stormscale (This one makes me laugh since Fox people have existed in many old mythology)

We got over 1 323 548 new Vulpera friends in Horde! UwU - #9 by Warjon-stormscale referencing Vulpera and Furaffinity. :slight_smile:


Yes, MoP pvp was fun. Would play again 10/10, overall content felt optional i could do what i wanted. No garrison, no class halls or artifact weapon, no azerite power and no covenants.

Forgot valor gear locked behind reputation or how about the legendary cloak huh?

Rose tinted glasses

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