I see plenty of horde complaining about alliance premades - and I can accept that it is unfair that alliance can do this but horde can’t.
However the way that non-Russian horde plays in AV does not help the situation. The reason for singling out Russians is because every alliance player has seen how different they play to the rest of the European alliance players.
Russians rush to the top of the map as fast as possible - often not even killing Belinda. They win fast or lose fast. No messing about. They seem to want honour and rep asap. And this is what alliance players generally want too. Every time we face Russians we are happy because we know we can get it over with fast. We grab some lieutenants on the way down the map and get a quick 3k honour or so.
Alliance generally don’t care much about winning or losing - just want fast games for quick honour and rep. We love facing Russians.
Unfortunately the rest of Europe’s horde players generally aren’t so pragmatic. They will defend at all costs, even if it means 40 people on defense constantly recalling to Drek’s hut and getting stuck in a 5 hour game.
Mass defending causes games to last way longer than they need to and isn’t good for honour or rep for either faction. Alliances players hate this tactic. Not because it causes losses for us necessarily, but because it wastes time - which means it wastes honour and rep. Everybody loses out.
And that is a very good reason why people are drawn to premades. When you pug vs this mass defense tactic it is an awful experience.
IF you want to stop facing premades as much, you, personally, as horde players can make a difference. You can spam BG chat telling people to rush and to get the game over with quicker, or to avoid fighting midfield.
And rushing doesn’t mean you’ll lose - Russians win very often doing this. But it means you get honour quicker and you get rep quicker.
The way horde plays does make a difference to what alliance does. Not just in AV but in general. Just look at Skullflame server to see what happens when horde go overboard with a tactic. They camped alliance so hard that they all left the server.
Of course you can always reroll alliance as well if you want…