Will you buy the 58 boost?

maybe… maybe the boost is way more complex than its seams.

I am logical. Thats why I say my boost won´t influence any other players experience. Its up to you to prove that if will influence you and how. Negative statements can´t be proven, its called LOGIC.


yeah, you are right it would be dumb and its your opinion… how is it then? dumb?

Nice twisting the sentence to attack me. Shows how mature you are.

i cant make this more clear sry

stones… glasshouse…

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thats your stone

that is the glasshouse

Guess that hit deep on you since you seem to take it very personal. Good to know some of you anti boost really don’t care about the boost and it’s more about the money. Yikes

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do you understand you own sentence ? You just said that every antibooster is dumb. And I told you having this attitude is dumb and now you are the victim ? cmom dude :slight_smile:

There are many mega big threads people have explained such as:

We have sent thousands of long, well-written messages explaining why they effect other players. If you can’t watch a video, you can start reading.

But the orc above is probably more experienced with trolls than we are and doesn’t want to waste his time writing something you won’t even read. Obviously you just want people to waste their time and get frustrated.


Ok how more people buying a boost influences YOU?

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Tbh. What makes the game feel Classic or not is its playerbase.

Does the playerbase of Classic WoW and it’s behaviour feels Classic? absolutely not imo.
And I do not expect TBC to be any different. Especially with arena bringing the most competitive players in.

Even within the frame of Classic, players managed to turn it into a modern (or “retail” i guess?) game. No cash shop, sure. But p2w gear through gdkp, parsing, class stacking, skipping leveling by getting boosted by mages.

I mean, i too am a gamer dad who wanted Vanilla from Classic, but at the end of the day you need to realise the playerbase just moved on. And a good chunk of the 20 something never played back then. So they play the game just how are are used too.
By parsing, playing only the best specs, taking shortcuts etc. I am not judging them tbh. They are more focused on the competitive aspects than the social / sandbox aspects of things. They never played old school MMOs for most.

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Of course the community is different. But parsing, class stacking etc. happened in different forms in 2005 vanilla too. We had damage meters back then and our GM linked damage meters on guild website/chat after every raid.

p2w gear through gdkp: not p2w if the buyer isn’t buying gold with money, which should be a bannable offence, if blizzard moderated the game as much as they deleted my posts against the boost.
mage boosting: not a good thing, but can be fixed easily with a simple dungeon xp nerf when theres a high level player in grp.

I’m not saying we have the exact same experience as 2005-6 but at least it is much, much better than retail. I had a lot of good fun and friends throughout my classic journey.

Paid services, cash shop and paid boosts are against the very existence of classic and are a thousand times worse than any harm that can be caused by lazy player behavior to the game.


The game will stagnate faster and the old world will be much emptier when I level alts the way the original developers intended for me to. Bots will also have a way to instantly get 58 and ruin the TBC world as well when they get banned once in a blue moon.

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Majesty, I remember those threads and every point was countered and all people said was those points were right, yet nobody has proven them, they are conjecture.

There you go again, making a statement without thinking, this isn’t 2004-5 classic, this is modern classic. So what if people buy something, does it affect you? Not at all. It just disrupts your rose tinted memory about how the old game was, well this is a new game.

All this “bots will be more prevalent” rubbish is what annoys me. As if they aren’t already everywhere!


Do you really think I give a damn what people like you think of me? People like you are poison.

The fact that your type of person hates me so much makes me feel good, because I know that my efforts are justified.

So suck it up, because I’m going nowhere and if you don’t like it stop reading my posts.

If it’s over why can’t we skip it?

If they use a boost they won’t need to find another game.

If there is nothing wrong with it then there is nothing wrong with the boost as they can go straight into TBCC.


Lol, not a single point was countered actually, all we got is “I don’t like levelling” “I don’t have time because I have a wife” “I don’t care” “don’t worry it will be fine”
Let alone being countered, you had absolutely no arguments to begin with. I haven’t seen a single post with anything more than some one sentence insults and trolling attempts, led by yourself.

I find it hard to believe you have the same DNA as any other human, tbh. You don’t possibly believe anything that you write.
2019 classic is the result of a series of events that demanded a replica of 2005 classic, and one of the main driving arguments was that it had no microtransacions. That’s why all the panels in classic announcement+blizzcon was filled with devs saying words like “as it was back then” “authentic experience” "as close as possible"1.

Yes it does. If I farm 1000g spending 10 hours by herbing, and someone else buys it from a gold seller, my 10 hours spent gets devalued. Also, in the context of botting/gold selling, as they inject more gold into the economy, prices inflate, thus my 1000g that used to buy 10 items now can only buy 3 items, which clearly affects me.

Classic is the proof that rose tinted googles was a lie and a big farce. We didn’t enjoy retail for so many years, and forum trolls told us that it is only nostalgia, vanilla was a much worse game, you have rose tinted googles.
No we didn’t. I played classic religiously for almost 2 years again, being twice older, having more responsibilities etc. and I got more enjoyment in these 2 years than I got in retail for 10 years.
Vanilla/classic, with all its flaws is a much better game than retail, for every other reason. And there are so many people think the same thing, which is the target audience and the reason why classic is here today.


That is an argument on cracking down on gold sellers and botters, not against the boost.

Actually the bots compete with each other and the price drops.

I enjoyed retail and so did many, many others, why would you play a game you don’t enjoy? Maybe you should have left years ago. I have rose tinted goggles? Well, that’s complete rubbish, I remember it warts and all.

Because others didn’t skip it, especially not with their credit cards.

If they use a boost they won’t find satisfaction and quit anyway.

Nice cropping from another thread completely changing the context. What I have said on the other thread is "there is nothing wrong that the servers are going into TBC.

That thread is not related to boosting whatsoever and is about server progression.

How much are they paying you to troll on the forums? Is it really worth?

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