Return War Mode to one shard type

I don’t really care about bonus, but it seems like complaints about bonus unfairness on RP WM shards would be fixed by returning to the original concept of one shard type, instead of splitting normal/RP. There are other issues too with dual shards.

Easy fix, just a roll back to one shard type WM. Whereas other solutions such as changes to how bonus works on RP WM shards are likely to be unappealing to Blizz, because time and effort for little benefit AND always knock on consequences that require yet more solutions.

Does anyone actually RP in RP War Mode? I doubt it. They can PvP RP with WM off anyway.

Dual shard type issues

Breaking the original concept of single type WM shards led to these issues.

  1. Unfair and illogical bonus system on RP shards.
  2. Inconvenient when in mixed realm type party.
  3. Sub optimal for shard faction balancing.
  4. RP WM shards low participation compared to normal shards.


One shard type as per original WM concept.

Achieved by

Forum fury.

Success potential

Low, unless RP WM’ers support one shard type in high volume. Only the Horde RP’ers are likely to support. And of those, only a small % of an already small number would A. support the solution, and B. care. That may result in zero support. Damn.

A big streamer would have to take this up, and stoke fury… only way solution could happen.


The real fix is to stop people bringing in off realmers in from normal/pvp realms onto RP realms vice versa. I play against alot of germans and RU players in open world as of lately alot more than I do the actual RPers, cause you can already comfortably phase people in and out of any shard as you so choose since the LFG tool is always at your disposal.

Or atleast thats what the horde seem to do when I’m playing :partying_face:

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You’re welcome to your opinion, but many would think you’re trolling with your assertions on the RP shards. Arguing with ‘Flat Earthers’ comes to mind… :roll_eyes:

Did we really need another thread on the same topic being discussing in others?

That solution creates consequences though… I hope they wouldn’t do a solution that prevents me playing with RP realmers in my community. That would suck. Might even be some forum fury on it! :slight_smile:

It’s borderline spam… but my topic title is specific and dedicated to returning to one shard type, and there’s no dedicated topic on it.

Need forum fury to make it happen, but not likely. That requires injustice feelings on a large scale. And RP’ers prob would not get behind this solution.

Blizz should do it anyway, bite the bullet. The two shard types doesn’t work well for RP War Mode. It was a mistake. Roll it back to one shard type!

I updated my OP to summarize the issues, solution, and how to achieve it.

… And my axe! I personally don’t see a downside in this. Let’s do it.

Пфф, волчара, мы ближе чем ты думаешь.

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Try to sound more furious and be more of you.

Pog champ 30% warmode bonus for the alliance, les go boys. Keep piling those horde players into WM. :partying_face:

something really needs to be done, alliance on RP shards getting the warmode bonus is a joke when they outnumber horde like 8 to 1…
i’ve been trying to find a community on horde side that likes to pvp in warmode, it’d be fun to invite them into the RP shards and wipe the floor with the alliance, unfortunately i haven’t been able to find any yet :frowning: (anyone know of any?)

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I agree with all shards being connected! Its probably the most reasonable fix.
I dont mind being an underdog in RP realms, but I do mind when the enemy seems to be given the benefit that were supposed to be for the underdog =(

This is the Horde community for WPvP on RP WM shards: The Scarlet Crusade

Btag: MilanGrujic#1256

Watch their video and see what happens to the Alliance in RP WM. Unfortunately topic is closed.

Excellent, but try to sound more FURIOUS!

they’re a guild :frowning: I’m looking for a community,

Damn, maybe they have a community too. I have a community with same name as my guild. You could suggest it :slight_smile:

There’s a chance (slim) that this Horde PvP community invite code still works:

Here’s my list of guilds and communities, if any help:

invite code worked, doesn’t really seem that active anymore though :frowning:

Whoa… it’s unusual for invite codes to work!

That’s a shame, I hope you will consider contacting MilanGrujic#1256 of The Scarlet Crusade. They are active and may have a solution.

Yes, because germans and russians being invited onto the horde side is the problem.

First look at these servers:

Now look at this eye sore:

Now remember that a fair amount of these horde players doesn’t turn on warmode (anymore). But yeah, lets make the numbers even more uneven. Next you know you will be fighting nobody, which I’m sure the pve players on AD would be happy about. Free 30% warmode buff.

+1 Support this suggestion in-game. Its really annoying when enemies just disappear in mid combat and then 40 man enemy group surround you out of nowhere.
And then there are those areas like in Nazjatar Lab where you can just disappear by going inside the cave when youre being hunted.

Phasing :clap: Should :clap: Not :clap: Exist :clap: In :clap: WPvP :clap:

Makes WM really pointless.

blizzard REALLY dropped the ball on this by letting alliance have the bonus on RP shards when they outnumber horde so much, it really needs fixing :frowning:

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