That's why the automated report system is a failure

So I have got perma banned yesterday evening for no reason whatsoever. I have never been quite toxic in the chat. In the heat of the battle, some of my messages could be interpreted as offensive but I am just trying to do anything within my reach. One of those things is constructive criticism like: “switch off widow”, or “our dps is terrible” or “this is not winnable like that”.

But nothing really drastical. I would understand the harsh punishment if I have been extremly racist or threatened someone with death, but that’s not the case.

The email they sent to me says there was a '“careful review of evidence” but I believe this has happened automatically. I suspect that because I have received the suspension just after discussing how someone was performing rather poorly in our team. I am sure that no human being has actually reviewed any evidence.

I have over 800 hours of playtime, and most of the ingame content by the way. I have been playing over 12 hours a day, and it’s not hard to collect many reports from people who cannot take criticism.

I have contacted the customer support about the issue and to send me some evidence that could lead to a permaban, but they have only sent me a general vague message and closed the ticket. Additionally they have now disabled my access to their support entirely.

I have been mistreated by Blizzard. I am shocked and disgusted to see such a poor customer support that only sends bot messages.
This thing that we call “report system” is not about what you have done or not. It’s all about the numbers.

Will buy the game once again as I have no other choice. It’s just so depressing having to shell out an other 60 buck and start everything over again just to get banned again 800 levels after because some random widow mains can’t take constructive criticism but report you instead.

GG blizz… What has happened to my beloved game?


861 posts were merged into an existing topic: There no defense against report system abuse