“Vigilance, selflessness, devotion, bravery, and discipline.
Those words are our creed, Nightblades. Each one of you has been chosen to answer a calling - the highest calling. There is no greater purpose than to serve our Goddess, our Mother, Elune, and be the glaive that is wielded in protection of our people.
Tor ilisar’thera’nal!”
The Nightblade Sentinels is a cadre of Sentinels that adhere to traditional kaldorei values and practices. They live to serve the Goddess and her people, primarily as protectors and as an instrument of vengeance against the foes of the Kaldorei. They are a small and mobile unit, made up of mostly female, elite Sentinels, scouts and Priestesses. They also allow druids of both genders to join the cadre as an auxiliary force, provided that they are comfortable with abiding by the military structuring. Exceptional, non-sentinel, kaldorei individuals of both genders might be allowed to join as auxiliaries as well after a trial period. Male Sentinels are accepted on a case by case basis.
Silverwing Outpost in Ashenvale serves as the current home base of the Nightblades, but this does not mean that they are bound to just one territory. The cadre will deal with threats both domestic and abroad and will have to be ready to travel anywhere at a moment’s notice. But no matter where they go, it is always in service of the Goddess and in protection of her people.
Type of guild: Religious Sentinel Guild
# of events: 2-4 per week
Application Process: Application form sent via the website is required
Guild Mediums: Website, discord, Argent Archives
Officers: Tínwëtar, Káthene, Aariam

As a kaldorei and casually military-themed heavy role-play guild, we try to maintain a healthy blend of gritty realistic and more lighthearted role-playing styles in our events and general roleplay. The Nightblades also have a very strong religious theme and we do try to incorporate the cadre’s fervent belief in the Goddess into our general RP in numerous ways and events. We like new applicants to be enthusiastic and show a willingness to role-play within the guild’s theme.
What we are looking for
Active participants who engage with the guild stories and help generate RP in general.
Players who seek to get to know the characters and players already present in the guild.
Night elves ONLY. No other races are permitted to join the regiment.
Female Sentinels/Priestesses. Druids and auxiliaries can be of either gender. Male, non-druid auxiliaries who wish to join have to go through a fairly lengthy trial period first.
Elves that are culturally considered adults (around 300 years and above). If you are seeking to be accepted as a trainee instead of a regular Sentinel, this rule does not apply.
Mature roleplayers that are well read on the lore, especially that of the kaldorei.
Well mannered, helpful, friendly and patient players.
Willingness to work through OOC issues in a mature manner.
We do not accept
Inactive players
Alts that are inactive or only played sporadically
Evil, chaotic or corrupted characters (such as Demon Hunters or Death Knights)
Unprofessional hairstyles (pigtails and cupcake buns).

So, you’ve decided you want to join us? Great! We’d be happy to have you! Our recruitment process is as follows:
- Make an application via our website.
- Come and seek us out in game! Come join us in RP, both casual and events. Before we set up an interview, we’d like to see a bit of you in RP to determine how/if you’ll fit in with us.
- Once we have seen that you are active in RP and are making an effort to get to know us, we will invite you to an IC interview.
Guild Q&A
Guild Rules
Argent Archives

Why won’t you accept male Sentinels into the guild?
While males have been allowed entry into the Sentinels for the past 10 years or so you need to keep in mind that the Sentinels have been, up until that point, an all-female organization for several millennia. Most of the females serving in the Sentinels have trained for centuries, some even for thousands of years, and while there have always been male kaldorei warriors they might not necessarily have undergone the same rigorous training as a female Sentinel. So in this case it is a strategic choice. The Nightblade Sentinels are an elite branch of the kaldorei army and as such they would only accept the best of the best into their ranks.
It is also a conservative choice, but to us it makes sense that the Nightblade Sentinels would choose what they know best and trust over something they are not entirely sure of. Night elves are a long lived race and it might take longer for some of them to get used to new concepts. But in regards to that, we -do- allow males to join us as auxiliaries, provided they pass the trial period first.
We understand that for some this is a touchy subject and that everyone will have their own views upon it, due to the limited amount of information there is to be found in regards to it. We also understand that we cannot please everyone and we make no claims to do so. This is a niche RP guild, and we represent the views of a very particular group within kaldorei society, and if you want something a little wider for your character, then perhaps the Nightblade Sentinels are not for you.
Why do you allow female druids to join you then? That is not very traditionalist or conservative?
In the case of druids, they are with the Nightblades as Auxiliaries. The Cenarion Circle is its own entity with its own rules for who is allowed entry and the Sentinels have no say in that. So, if the Cenarion Circle deems it fit to accept a female druid into their ranks, we will allow her to join since we trust the judgement of the Circle and we wish to maintain a good working relationship between the two organizations.
It could also be argued that female druids have possibly existed for a longer time than male Sentinels, since they could have received their training outside of the Circle. But, those cases, if any, are exceptional and extremely rare.
Do you have a uniform requirement?
Yes, we do. Like most military regiments we do have a formal uniform, which consists of a cloth set that will be given to you upon joining the Nightblades. In combat-oriented events all our members must wear our tabard and we also ask everyone to wear gear and mogs that fit the Nightblade color scheme of black, grey and dark blue. Druids are allowed to wear dark brown as well. There are examples of combat uniforms on our website to be inspired by!