Looking for a new home

Not a problem at all, happy to help :slight_smile:

I see; toxicity from the player base can easily leave one wanting a fresh start.
I have not yet to run into any type of negative behaviour here, but I am sure, that all realms have their flaws; after all, humans are behind the keyboard. That being said, if I were to guess, a place such as Moonglade could possible attract another kind of player, if one were to paint with broad strokes :cherry_blossom:

The way you describe your playing style makes me lean towards Moonglade being a suitable match for you. But, I imagine, that we must await a response from the Horde side I think, to establish which side appeals the most to you. :slight_smile:

The huge public events are not often here on Moonglade, aside from the Moonrise, which is a very relaxed event; also a great place and time to get into roleplay. But we do not assemble anywhere near the numbers, that Argent Dawn does.

I have yet to find an event here, that requires the ‘roll-battles’. I know of them, I tried them on Argent Dawn, and I found them to be an odd fit for roleplay; something about them just hindered immersion.
Whenever Alunaria does some kind of brawl, it is always done without roll, and instead, with simple common sense. If she is up against an orc with nothing but her fists - sure, she can last for a while - but she would never win, no matter what the dice says. :wink:

So I can understand, why you want to steer away from it.
I can imagine, that the worry of emoting something wrong might fade, once you are with a group, that makes you feel safe and welcome? :butterfly:

I am not sure, if we even have that “active combat” events taking place right now, actually?

As you can see, I am a forum hawk, and others are not, so give your thread some days to settle, in hopes for more responses to offer a more nuanced view. :slight_smile:

It would especially be good to hear the voices of those, that are more active in game than I am - chances are, those are the ones you will be roleplaying with the most, if you decide to settle down here :shamrock:

I have tried to gather a few of the latest events down below for you, perhaps that will give you a better idea of what is taking place.

Ancestor Worshipping: Broxigar Saurfang - Hosted by Karzhuk

Leafy Lecture: “Colossal Colostrum!” - Hosted by Dulvarinn

Prodigal Son - Hosted by Ethan

Saving Little Wing - Hosted by Alunaria

Herbal Hangout #03 - Hosted by Dulvarinn

Moonrise - Hosted by Nataari

Events in the nearby future

May 21st
Leafy Lecture: “Udderly Inappropriate!” - Hosted by Dulvarinn

June 1st
Ancestor Worshipping: Tirion Fordring - Hosted by Karzhuk

June 2nd
Moonrise - Hosted by Grawle (?)

If you are interested, pictures from all events can be found at https:// alunariasavenue. com/ as well as https:// www. enjin. com/profile/19947725/pics :crescent_moon: