I rarely see them nowadays.
She is still the betrayed queen of the horde and the rightful warcheif.
She will forever be our leader.
No forsaken without her.
Can’t wait to steamroll on her sorry face in LFR
I guess both the “Amg, Sylvanas bad, traitor to da hoooorde!!!1!shiftone ” and “Sylvanas is teh best things evah, for the dark ladyyyy!!! ” extremist camps have run out of words and the more sensible people know better than to provoke them with new topics, because no one likes frothing cultists.
tired of talking about such a garbage character probably.
I rarely see them nowadays.
She is still the betrayed queen of the horde and the rightful warcheif.
She will forever be our leader.
No forsaken without her.
People got bored of Sylvanas.
You stopped making them so they stopped appearing
A quick search reveals all sorts of open topics regarding Sylvanas, this is a selection:-
I suspect either the following:
It’s been datamined that we return to the seat of the Arbiter during the Sylvanas encounter, the place where she allocates souls to a particular afterlife. I’m imagining that we fight Sylvanas to the point that she is almost defeated and she escapes into one of the infinite portals to varying realms
Tyrande will have some involvement. She is hell-bent on killing Sylvanas for what she did at Teldrassil, so for her not to land the killing blow, or to get some …
Here’s the problem, as I see it, with how Blizzard writes Sylvanas and the Forsaken.
In Warcraft 3, Sylvanas had a relatively light presence, compared to the other main characters.
In WoW, BC, WotLK, Cataclysm and MoP, she likewise did not appear that much, in terms of the overall expansion story. WotLK probably features her most prominently, but in the scope of the entire expansion she’s not really front and centre.
But, in all of those expansions, Blizzard hinted that the Forsaken were actu…
What’s the point of Sylvanas by Christie Golden? Seriously? I don’t know. It’s not like the whole story has been experienced to us in game(s) and like a dozen books, literally. What’s the point of another book about the same story for like the 20th time?
Not sure if anyone has been on the PTR or seen some of the content on there, but it seems we have some spoilers as to what we can expect
[Chains of Domination 9.1 Intro Questline (Battle of Ardenweald) | Including Cutscenes]
From watching that video, it shows Sylvanas trying to kill the Winter Queen but it turns out to be a trick. Heroes from different covenants then take to battling Sylvanas, with Jaina aiding in the fight.
Then at the end, we see a placeholder cutscene, and Tyra…
So I’m wasting my time. And some forumers are salty about customizations anyway
I don’t care what anyone says I stick to Sylvanas till the bitter end once shadowlands is over. All is better then that snoozfest of horde council characters I could care less about. And it seems at least Talanji feels the same way apparently. So, this topic is for all fellow Sylvanas fans who feel the same way. Feel free to add your comment of support and lets keep this alive. Alright!
Dark lady watch over us. Alaways.
Sooooo, Sylvanas… Her story arch and character development are really as bad as it gets.
She’s gone from powerful and somewhat misterious character to a charismatic leader (Legion and up to BfA trailer) to a schemer behind the scenes, her plan being just about as stupid as it gets, to a raid boss in a mid patch raid.
You really can’t misshandle the ONE recognizable character in WoW after Arthas any more than this.
There’s two outcomes now. Either Blizz pulls some Azshara bonkers excuse for he…
The bow of the queen of simps itself.
Time to reroll hunter and go hunt some loyalists.
She won’t. Prepare for Kerrigan 2.0
well we will see next week
Dracarys! lol
arent there enough topics about sylvanas already?
None missed those trash topics.
They don’t have to kill her, just like they don’t kill allied faction leaders nearly ever.
Just send her back to undercity or something, and stop writing lore for her, then people will forget her in some months.
She yeets you along with the entire torghast, then it takes thrall and his wife, Jaina, to slow her down as you run from her. Then the jailer takes is to the arbiter’s platform and there we find out that if you can’t beat them, join them.
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I’m genuinely burned out of Warcraft lore as it is currently.
I used to like Sylvanas, but after so many… meh… decisions reguarding her I feel kind of bored. Especially after the start of Shadowlands. It’s like when you’re reading a great story but the character you loves gets less and less focus. That’s me with Sylvy right now.
And yes, I call her Sylvy.
Fight me!
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Where I cannot see any in the front page!