🐛 Баги (и не баги) патча 30.0.X + [FAQ]

Так там тыкнуто уже задним числом.

Ну может должна быть отдельная ачивка с сундуком для получения Лотхиба. Ну да ладно.

Нет, просто баг. Ждем фиксов.

Известные баги патча 23.0

  • The Sunken City Warlock collection achievement will be based off the wrong set’s cards at launch, so it might show progression (or even completion) before the expansion even launches. This will not impact the collection achievements that give diamond/coin rewards, as those are tracked in a different way. This will be resolved via hotfix shortly after the patch goes live.
  • Three cards being added to the Core set in this year’s update (Bronze Explorer, Darius Crowley, and Wrathscale Naga) will show in your collection at the when Patch 23.0 goes live (April 5), instead of at the Core Set update (April 12). This is a visual-only bug. Those cards will not be playable as part of the Core until all the Core updates are live.
  • The graphic on the Mercenaries daily Fighting Pit rewards chest will be a bit more colorful than intended. This will be corrected in a future update.
  • [Updated 4/5]: The team is aware that completing the Mi’da Bounty in Patch 23.0 will cause a crash that locks you out of the Mercenaries Game Mode. The team is looking into the cause of that crash and solutions to it now, but in the meantime the team has disabled the Bounty. We will open the Bounty back up, and restore any affected players, once we have a solution.
  • [Added 4/5]: The team is aware that the Diamond Loatheb card—a reward for owning a complete Curse of Naxxramas collection—is not claimable by players who already owned the entire Curse of Naxxramas set prior to this patch going live. The team is working on resolving this issue.
  • [Added 4/5]: The team is aware that the conversion from the Honor Track to an Achievement gave players a celebration for each phase of the Honor Track they had already completed during the battle for Alterac Valley. This is a visual-only bug.

Исправят проблему с Куртрусом на этой неделе.

  • [Added 4/6]: The team is aware that Kurtrus, Demon-Render (the hero card) is scaling the summoned demons incorrectly. A fix to this bug is expected in a hotfix planned for later this week.

Патч 23.0.1 (серверный) с балансом:

Patch 23.0.1 is a server-side hotfix, deploying right now. The patch includes balance changes to Battlegrounds and Duels, a pre-emptive balance change for Standard, and bug fixes.

Balance Changes:

  • In order to prevent an unintended interaction after Standard rotation, Pandaren Importer is changing from a 2-mana 1/3 to a 3-mana 2/4. Because this is a server-side patch, Pandaren Importer will appear as though its stats have been affected by an in-game effect. This will be updated in an upcoming patch. Because of this change, regular copies of Pandaren Importer will be able to be disenchanted for their full dust value until April 20 at 10 a.m. Pacific. (Golden copies of Pandaren Importer are not craftable because they were on the United in Stormwind rewards track).
  • Sub Scrubber (Ini Stormcoil’s Buddy) has been moved from Tavern Tier 2, to Tavern Tier 4. Because this is a server-side hotfix, the Tavern Tier will not appear correctly at hero selection or when hovering over the Buddy Meter. This will be updated in a later full patch.
  • Varden Dawngrasp and Ini Stormcoil have been moved from Armor Tier 2 (2-5 Armor) to Armor Tier 1 (0 Armor).
  • Wildfire and Malygos are banned from deck creation in Duels.
  • The Legendary Loot and Unstable Magic Passive Treasures were moved to the Ultra Rare Pool 2.

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements:

  • Fixed the visual bug that caused the Ranked Season Rewards celebration to appear blank.
  • Fixed a bug where Kurtrus, Demon Render counted times your hero was attacked as well as times you attacked with your hero.
  • Fixed a bug where secrets played after Freezing Trap would not trigger after Freezing Trap activated to remove the trigger condition. For example, after this bug fix, if a player plays Freezing Trap and then Explosive Trap, and the enemy attacks the player with a minion, the Freezing Trap will activate to return the attacking minion and then the Explosive Trap will trigger.
  • Fixed a bug where Emergency Maneuvers could cause an enemy minion to go Dormant.
  • Fixed a bug where Pathmaker would create extra history tiles throughout games.
  • Improved Battlegrounds performance related to when minions buffed “for the rest of the game” appear in Bob’s Tavern during the Recruit Phase.
  • Temporarily removed the “The Good Stuff” Darkmoon Prize from Tickatus’s Prize pool in order to avoid a bug. The Prize is expected to be returned to Tickatus’s Prize pool in a later patch, when the bug is resolved.
  • Fixed a bug where the game would crash if you got a Mysterious Stranger encounter after already completing all Tasks for all Mercenaries you own. Now, if there are not enough visitors with available Tasks to fill the three options, it will select random Mercenaries to fill those slots. You will then be able to select a Mercenary as normal and, if that Mercenary does not have any Tasks to offer, you will get Coins for that Mercenary.
  • Fixed a bug where the Reshape Deathblow would copy the target’s Equipment twice.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Mecha Magic!” Duels card bucket was inaccurately labeled as “Big Spell.”
  • Fixed a bug where players who already had a complete Curse of Naxxramas collection when Patch 23.0 went live could not claim the Diamond Loatheb reward that was added in the patch.

заявляю о баге в дуэлях
открытые в приключении сокровища для новых (ульдумовских) героев после добавления в игру последних не становятся доступны собственно в дуэлях. т.е. неразблокированные сокровища сейчас невозможно разблокировать через египетское приключение

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Известные баги после релиза дополнения.

4/12 Update: Voyage to the Sunken City is now live! We’re tracking a couple issues that went live with it.

  • [Resolved 4/12]: Some players reported getting stuck on the “expansion now live” pop-up. For players stuck in that screen, restarting the client (sometimes a few times) will get them un-stuck. The team has disabled the pop-up to avoid further issues.
  • [Resolved 4/12]: Players in certain regions reported that their shops did not update with the new products (including, notably, the Voyage to the Sunken City packs). Those stores have since restarted and the products are now live for all regions.
  • The team is investigating reports of players getting stuck after purchasing the Tavern Pass.
  • The team is investigating reports that Classic decks were converted to Wild upon the Standard Wild rotation.
  • The team is aware that Murky’s Mercenaries Tasks are not following the new system of automatically rolling from one to the next. This should be fixed in an upcoming hotfix.
  • The team is aware that the “are you sure” pop-up when disenchanting cards so that you have less than can be played in a deck is currently not functioning. **PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN DISENCHANTING YOUR CARDS TODAY.**This issue will be resolved in a future patch.
  1. Как начался новый год, все колоды для “Классического режима” стали недоступными, они отображаются красными и перешли в “Вольный режим”.
    А обратно перевести я не могу, нет в меню такой функции. Только создать новую колоду!
  2. У меня было за орду цепи достижений, которые я прошёл и получил золотую нераспыляемую карту. Сейчас активизировалась цепочка достижений за альянс.
    Это баг или нет?
  3. Карта вольного режима за 6 маны, которая сжигает все заклинания стоимостью “1_мана” не сжигает карты, которые сейчас имеют такую стоимость, но изначально были другой стоимости и по ходу игры стали равными одной мане.
    Или текст поменяйте на карте или её функционал…
    Текст “заклинание, которое изначально стоило 1 ману”.

Заметил, что уже который раз первый уровень в ленте наград не идёт в зачёт достижения “Частый гость в таверне” (Портрет за каждые 200лвл).

Он устанавливается как стартовая точка. Если логически рассудить. Как оно там технически - не уверен. М. б. и баг.

Известные баги:

  • [Added 4/13]: The team is investigating reports that dual-class Duels decks created before Voyage to the Sunken City launched became invalidated after the launch.
  • [Added 4/13]: The team is investigating reports of new Core cards missing from Arena.
  • [Added 4/13]: The team is investigating reports of shop issues on Android devices.
  • [Added 4/13]: The team is investigating reports that Lokholar is not being granted in the New and Returning Player Decks that include it (Paladin and Warlock).

Это только у меня перестало показывать предупреждение, когда сдаешься до того как засчитают дейлик “сыграйте 3 матча”?

А баг Бранн + Азшара кто-нибудь замечал? БК не срабатывает второй раз. Или это фича?

Если речь про карту «Королева Азшара», то у меня бк под Бранном работал. Мб в руке места не было?

Это у соперника было, он разыграл Азшару, ему 1 карта в руку упала и всё. Место в руке было. :man_shrugging:t2:

Создал колоду вольного ОТК Жреца, того, что с кабанчиками 20/20. Хотел потренироваться в солнышке: “При запуске матча произошла ошибка. Повторите попытку через несколько минут”. Перезапускаю - та же беда. Пошел в Тренировку: “Выбранная колода не подходит для этого формата игры”. Тот же эффект и в старых Приключениях. Получается, потренироваться на этой колоде нигде нельзя… Только в бой со сливом звезд! Только хардкор!

да бывает, они со своими стандартами/корсетами скоро сами окончательно запутаются, какой карте какой статус лепить (серверные настройки имею в виду)

Лайков: 1

эти твари вообще свое гуано тестируют? азшара под бранном, мало того что не дало выбрать вторую карту, так дальше начался полный дец: я не мог закончить ход, было еще 2 маны, дождался фитиля и дальше МНЕ НЕ ДАВАЛО ХОДОВ ВООБЩЕ, противник просто убивал меня 4 хода подряд, мне просто не давало хода, ни фитиля нихрена, нормас такие приколы, спасибо мистер близец