Set up in April 2007, we are an adult (18+) casual raiding/social guild. We are generally active all year round - as with other guilds, we do encounter peaks and troughs, but we don’t rush through raids and then get bored, we don’t only log on for raids, and we don’t shut up shop at the end of an expansion/raid tier.
Please note that we are a single faction guild - we ONLY accept HORDE characters. (although we’re currently trialling with a view to opening up to cross faction)
Originally born on the Lightbringer realm, once we became one of the few remaining guilds to continue raiding, we transferred to Tarren Mill, in 2022.
We are altaholics, we are solo players, we are group players. Some of us focus more on raiding, or M+, or PvP, or achievements, or simply exploring the world.
We aim to be inclusive rather than exclusive and encourage members to try new things, and support them when they do.
We generally raid twice a week on a Wednesday and a Friday evening. Our current raids and times are as follows:
Wednesday: 9pm-11.30pm server time*
Friday: 9.30pm-midnight server time*
We have no attendance requirements for our raids. No rules about having to stick to a “main” for raiding, or having to earn a place, or be in a set rank. If you’re in the guild, want to raid, and fulfil gear requirements, you’re welcome to sign up and join in.
If you’d like to know a little more about how we organise and run raids, check out our resource site.
We occasionally organise additional non-progression, current expansion raids or previous expansion raids at other times.
We run “Mythics Monday”, which are organised, slow, calm, low key runs to help people get used to tactics and, at other times, we have people progressing their keys and pushing higher.
Our guild is home to the author of the well-known M+ website, … as written about by both Icy Veins and Wowhead - several of our members have helped in the testing and data gathering for that site. This site is also used by Dratnos on for The Weekly Route: Encrypted!. and have recently joined forces:
We dislike drama although understand problems can sometimes crop up, but as we are all adults, it is in our best interests to deal with them quickly rather than ignoring them.
Most members have jobs/studies, homes, families and a busy schedule outside of WoW, but also have a whole host of alts, giving us flexibility and a working knowledge of other roles and classes.
Basically, we are a casual, laid back guild full of people that just want to play the game how they want to play it, as long as it isn’t to the detriment of others.
We are happy to review applications from any level character … we base our acceptance of applicants on the information provided on their application form and the person behind the character. We recruit based on who YOU are and if YOU would fit, not your character. Therefore, if you are applying, remember you are applying to join us, you’re there to show how well you will fit into the guild. One-word answers don’t work.
Characters change levels, gear, achievements and even role … it is the person behind the character that brings the fun, knowledge and experience (not necessarily of the game, but life generally )
Ideally we are looking for casual members who aren’t solely looking to raid, but are looking for a WoW home where they can, in a friendly and laid back environment, get to try out all aspects of the game.
PLEASE NOTE: if your primary goal is to speed through raid boss encounters, getting your gear to as high a level as possible, as quickly as possible, then we are not your guild. We do not rush through content, we enjoy it with guild mates at a casual pace. Don’t expect us to change to suit you. If you apply to join us, it is on the understanding that you like what is advertised about us, not what you think you can make us into
If any of this sounds of interest, and you’re considering applying to join, please visit our website, where you will find more information about us, our guild rules and guidelines, and the application form.
We also have a Discord channel that is open to non-guild members. You can join just for a chat, or to find out more about us.
*please be aware that server time is affected by DST … if you are not, these times WILL change by an hour depending on the time of year!!!
Common questions/comments answered:
As long as your character shows on the Armories, you can apply. We are recruiting YOU not your character (although we still need to check your Armories profile
It doesn’t matter how much or little experience you have - just be up front about it and we’ll get along fine.
Yes we use Teamspeak for voice comms in raids. Yes, it still exists. We have our reasons, but your application isn’t the time to suggest we’re old fashioned
No … we don’t sit chatting in voice chat all day. We use Teamspeak for raids, Discord for all other group content voice comms, but we don’t sit in voice unless we’re actually running group content. Most of us have stuff going on irl, are multitasking and just don’t want to
Yes - there is a point to the application process
And yes … we do check the information provided, give points for a thorough and honest application, and deduct points for minimal/dishonest/untrue applications. The application process is there for both of us - if we are not a suitable guild for you, it’s best to know before you join
We ARE a casual raiding guild. This means: we do not have a set team - every single raid composition is different; we take people along who have very little/no experience; we die to things like standing in fire, falling off the edge - regularly; we have sometimes had one beer too many by the end of the night; we prefer people to raid because of the social aspect, not for the loot (getting loot is a bonus
). We are not going to change the way we raid just because you’re used to doing it a different way. If the way we raid doesn’t sound attractive to you, and you want to raid, please do not apply.
We realise it is now possible to have characters from either faction in a guild, however, from an admin/guild and raid leader point of view there are currently too many issues resulting from trying to deal with cross faction members, so we are open ONLY TO HORDE CHARACTERS.