[N-RP - Travelling Shop] The Solstice Bazaar of the Meridian Edict ☀

Warm sands, everyone!

The Solstice Bazaar is a travelling shop that provides responsibly-sourced goods & the services of our talented Artisans and crafters to assist you in your expeditions!

We provide a variety of goods & services, currently featuring intricate & enchanted jewellery, both pre-made designs and to-order; a variety of potions & elixirs brewed by our Alchemist; engineered goods made by our Arcane scientist; and other assorted Vulperan goods!

Additionally, we also have a variety of other miscellaneous goods, such as herbs or appliances. If there is anything you would like from us, feel free to request it!

We also happily accept trading and buying or negotiating for other goods from you!

Finally, if you are looking for a place either with the Solstice Bazaar or the Meridian Edict, as a member of our shop or our adventure team, feel free to approach us and ask for more information, we’d be happy to answer any questions!

We will keep everyone informed of our upcoming whereabouts with further notices! Our opening times are always at eight bells in the evening.

Our website: https://sites.google.com/view/solsticebazaar/home

Contact information: https://sites.google.com/view/solsticebazaar/ooc-info?authuser=0

Forum Thread of our Guild: [N-RP] The Meridian Edict :fox_face:

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Our current schedule! :hourglass:

Location Date Type
Dalaran 27th February Market Night
Booty Bay 6th March Market Night
Dalaran 12th March Market Night
Dalaran 26th March Market Night
Booty Bay 3rd April Market Night

We hope to see you around!


:hourglass_flowing_sand: Current Timetable :hourglass:

Location Date Day of the Week
Booty Bay 5th March Wednesday
Kosh’harg, Nagrand 26th March Wednesday
Booty Bay 2nd April Wednesday
Dawn’s Blossom, Jade Forest 15th April Tuesday

Our website:

Contact information:


Hello all! We will be in Suramar tomorrow evening with the Bazaar, from 20:00 RT onwards; please feel free to stop by, be it to acquire goods, to trade, or even just for friendly chats! :fox_face:


Evening everyone! Solstice Bazaar will be at Crossroads tomorrow, from 8 to 10 p.m. realm time. Looking forward to see you there!

Next week we are in Booty Bay on Wednesday 2nd with our usual goods, and on Saturday 5th we host a fun game named Talehat at the Fireside Gathering (https://www.argentarchives.org/node/265886) and get a chance to win a prize made by Solstice Bazaar artisans!


Hello everyone! Solstice Bazaar will make the appearance at the Fireside Gathering tomorrow, where we will have a fun game named Talehat for everyone to take part in! (https://www.argentarchives.org/node/265886) Come up with a story with a help of magic hat and get a chance to win one of the 3 special prizes!

Next week we are at Dalaran Trade Night on Tuesday, looking forward to see you there too!


Hello! The Solstice Bazaar is opened in Dalaran today, with the usual set of goods. Looking forward to see you there!


Hello everyone!

The timetable has been updated - including a game of :tophat: Talehat :tophat: we host at Kosh’harg festival in Nagrand [H-RP] Kosh’harg Festival, Autumn 2023 - 25th September to 1st October Do not miss it!

Today we are opened in Dalaran, 8-10 p.m. realm time :woman_mage: Looking forward to see you there!


Morning everyone!

Solstice Bazaar will be at Durotar Kosh’harg today with our usual selection of goods! Looking forward to see you there and don’t miss our Talehat game at Nagrand Kosh’harg Friday next week!


Evening everyone!

After a very successful game of Talehat at Kosh’harg previous week, we are back to our usual timetable - coming to Booty Bay tomorrow with our usual variety of goods! Looking forward to meeting you at the shop to buy things or just visit us


Hello everyone! The Solstice Bazaar arrives to Crossroads tomorrow at our usual time! Looking forward to see you all there - and don’t miss a chance to find a potential Hallow’s End gift!


Hello all! We will be open tomorrow at eight bells for the Dalaran Market Night! :crystal_ball:

From this week, we will have brand new goodies from our leatherworker, Rhaethas, and from our tailor & ink maker, Natu, as well as new engineering goods from me! If you are interested in either category, or perhaps in a custom project from either of us or any other Artisan within the Bazaar, then please feel free to stop by!

We hope to see you there! :fox_face:


Hello everyone! Solstice Bazaar will be opened today, 8-10 p.m. realm time, at Dazar’alor (Zocalo), at Horde Weekly Gathering there. Looking forward to seeing you there!


Morning! The Solstice Bazaar will be opened today in Dalaran, at their usual place! Looking forward to meeting you there and keep an eye at our timetable to not miss us!


Greetings! The Solstice Bazaar will be opened this Sunday once again, this week at Grom’gol Basecamp, where Horde gathering happens. Looking forward to see you there!


Hello everyone! We will open again (so soon, I know!), in Dalaran this Tuesday for the Market! Hope to see you there! :crystal_ball:


Hello everyone!

Tomorrow we will be around at the Fireside Recruitment Faire! There we will have a game “Ladder Quiz” to test your knowledge and perhaps win some prizes, made by Solstice Bazaar members.

You can see our poster with more information here:

Besides that, Estelliana Starmist is goind to do card fortune reading during the recruitment faire as well. Whether you are interested in testing your knowledge or fate - or just learning more about the Solstice Bazaar and Meridian Edict, it would be a very good time to do it!

See you in Orgrimmar tomorrow, and in Booty Bay next Wednesday, where we will be opened as usual.


Morning everyone!

The Solstice Bazaar is going to be open this and next week in Dalaran on Tuesday (today!), with our usual variety of goods! Looking forward to meeting you there - and don’t miss a chance to buy Winter Veil gifts!


Tomorrow the Solstice Bazaar will be open in Dalaran!

Good morning all! We’re excited for yet another fantastic shop night, tomorrow you’ll be able to find us in our Dalaran shopfront (Curiosities & Moore ooc) at 8 bells! We hope to see you there and hopefully help you get your last minute Winter Veil shopping done!

————・Featured Items・————

➣ Stillheart Lager
Produced in a small village in Kun Lai by Stillheart brewery, this bitter and harsh -yet with sweet undertones- lager is fit for only the purest of hearts! Test yourself with a moral test to see if you are fit to purchase this fine beverage. Availiable while stock lasts.

➣ Crochet Butterfly Clips
Made by our wonderful artisan Natu, these adorable hair clips will make for wonderful Winter Veil gifts for any friends who favour the cuter things in life. They attach using a wooden pin and are suitable for most hair styles!

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Fancy something else? You can find even more in our catalogue here:


:christmas_tree: Happy New Year everyone! :christmas_tree:

We wish you & everyone else you care about the best in the next year! Hope the last hours of the passing year is good for you likewise!


Hi everyone, and Happy New Year! :fireworks: :fox_face: I hope everyone has had a great and cosy time for the holidays!

We are now ready to hop back into the flow, and we will be in Booty Bay tomorrow for the Market Night! We hope to see you there. :fox_face: