Right. So instead of trashing anyone that might have a different view in the game how about you stop and think a bit. Let me give you an example :
You and 3 others join a key to get gear (for example). And you PuG 1 guy that wants to time the key for RIO. Both are 100% legit reasons to join a key. Nobody is being toxic or idiotic.
And now you wipe twice on a boss and 100% guaranteed you wont time it. What does that 1 person do? Stay or leave? Hold that thought for a seccond.
Because I want you to imagine the inverse case. A party of 4 that wants to time a key invites you that is there for gear. And you wipe twice in a boss.
And 4 people leave the key and leave you there alone.
Now. Back to the example you held on for a moment. Usually, if you dont talk to people, dont engage people in the team, dont talk people into CARING about the teamā¦ 99% of the times that guy will leave the key.
If you talk to people, engage them, befriend them (even for 1 dungeon), 99% of people will stay. Because even though you wiped. Even though that individual wont get what he came to get, he is STILL having fun. So he will stay.
An extra benefit is that he will also stay in the next keys you do. Or even, become a friend in your friends list and he will stay for multiple keys for years even.
THERE. I fixed it.
And that is why in 20 years Blizzard has not fixed the problem. Because its not up to blizzard to fix it. Its up to YOUā¦
And the issue has been that for 20 years people simply havent realized yet that behind the toon there is a person. Not an NPC, not a Jerk, or a ātoxicā dude like you claim. There is only people with different goals and expectations to yours.
The secret is finding a compromise to find a common goal. Not just to join a key and āassume thingsā.
And the worst thing about all this is that its not rocket science. Its 100% the same thing you do in your day to day life. In your job, at a party or bar, with your SO, with your kids or at school. Its the defenition of our civilization.
So why wont you do it in WoW? And why does it surprise so many people?
Either way I gave you the solution. I tried it, works. And others in this forum can vouch that it works for them as well.