[RP Info] Night Elf Roleplay

Things are in general a bit quiet now as people are enjoying their summer vacations / other game releases / preparing for the War Within.

Keep an eye out for the upcoming Feralas campaign!

Also see some of the night elves mages at the War on Magic: The Second Fall storyline!


This Saturday there’ll be the Emerald Assembly, a recurring crossfaction gathering for druids!


07-09 Will be the meeting of the next Emerald Assembly!

I shall qoute Meladriss on the important part!


Hey Argent Dawn, time for a new Assembly. However, this time things will be different. I have decided that I am going to split the Assembly up into the actual EMERALD Assembly and the NATURE Assembly.

What is the difference you may ask? It’s rather easy:

From this time onwards the Emerald Assembly is purely and only for -actual- druids, who’re allowed to be members of the Assembly. This means that the race needs to have the class OOCly. In these meetings we’ll talk about current things happening on Azeroth and other druid related events. This can go from how we can increase the knowledge of other races/students, to current things happening on Azeroth.

The Nature Assembly will be there for those who’re associated with nature, inexperienced races or simply characters who are on a path to learn about the druidic ways. These meetings might also be lectures, where an experienced druid comes forward to talk about Wild Gods, nature magic and more.

This will ofcourse go through a testing phase and I will see what I can do to make things more enjoyable for everyone.


While public events with night elf focus are scarce right now, there are players fairly actively using the ‘looking for roleplay’ channel on the Amirdrassil discord server. As a reminder, the server encourages and advertises night elf themed roleplay all around the world, not just on its namesake zone.

Yesterday evening Saleysea and Márthron organized a bit of an impromptu DM adventure in Ashenvale, led in-character by Moon Priestess Nalurea Moonsong. This was advertised on the discord on short notice, warmly recommend others to participate their events if you see them posted!

Pinned around various sentinel barracks and outposts around Ashenvale are two crude sketches, one depicting a young night elf woman. A priestess, according to the attached description. The second sketch shows the same woman, but with various grotesque malformities. Empty eyes, and darkened veins bulging outwards. Writhing appendages emerge from her skin, framing her dead expression. A note attached to these sketches reads:

"Priestess Nalurea Moonsong calls for volunteers across all units present in Ashenvale to seek out and capture a wayward sister of Elune, once thought dead, only to have resurfaced bearing the taint of the Old Ones. The priestess believes salvation is not beyond reach, and asks that capable individuals accompany her to subdue this lost soul and deliver her from the clutches of corruption.

You can find priestess Moonsong in Astranaar.
Come well prepared and take any precautions to ward your minds of any doubt.
This will not be any easy task.

Thanks to the hosts, and those answering the call, for a delightful Saturday adventure!


This is amazing! I’m so glad i looked at the forums this morning. Ill be joining the discord soon to reach out. Im definitely interested in Night Elf RP, theres a big gap in our story currently in WoW and theres a lot to play with and reconcile on the character end.


Acrona strikes again with top notch shenanigans. Always a joy to catch up on your posts


Tonight marks the start of the Ashenvale Autumn roleplay initiative, kicking off with a warmly lit celebration!


As part of Ashenvale Autumn, there’ll be a Highborne gathering hosted tonight, initiated by Idalia.

Time: 20:00
Location: Ashenvale, Orendil’s Retreat

A meet-up of Highborne, to address some of the new happenings of the world and what can they can do to affect it! (And assert influence in the process)

In other news, I’ll be returning to hosting a Lunar Festival next year, the holiday having always been my favourite in the game! Since the plan is to make it a sizeable cross-faction event, I’ll start organizing it well ahead of time. This event will have more focus on celebrating the ancestors and triumphs of the past.

The likely dates: January 31st & February 1st
Location: Moonglade


:dress: Costumes of Reverence - costume competition revering one’s chosen hero of the past
:performing_arts: A theatrical play
:dancer: Guided dancing - coreographies fit for the occasion
:mirror_ball: Moonball tournament - the old classic
:tickets: Raffles - item artwork
:shopping: Market stalls
:art: Art prompt on social media sites
and more!

There’ll be a separate forum thread for it later. For a nostalgia run, here are recordings of past Lunar Festivals that I’ve organized:

For inspiration, submissions to the past Lunar Festival art prompts! :purple_heart:


The Astranaar Village Hours hosted by Seredwen happens tonight, followed by Ialluen’s Crescent Conclave on Sunday!


eee cant wait :3

1 Like

Neither can I!

In the meantime, what’s coming up:

The Monsoon War

Tonight there was the pre-campaign gathering, with the Alliance characters receiving a general briefing in Feathermoon Stronghold, and Horde members in Thunder Bluff. Here’s some pictures from the nelfy side of things:

Looking forward to meeting new characters in Feralas! And even if you didn’t get a spot for attending the campaign events, the hosts welcome you to come roleplay in the base hubs. For the next 3 weeks Feathermoon Stronghold is where you can find night elf centric roleplay.

After the Monsoon War, happening on the 1st and 2nd of November:

Additionally the Nightblades are planning a Remembrance of the Dead event for November 9th.

  • Shadowleaf Watchers guild info has been updated (check out their new cool website!) :page_with_curl:

  • The Monsoon War campaign is still going on this week; join the camp roleplay in Feathermoon Stronghold! In the campaign discord there may also be side events that anyone can join, while the main events are for signed up attendees only. The hosts have been working hard to provide a great experience for everyone involved and keep things organized! :camping:
    Here’s some screenshots of the campaign so far, though the album only shows a small portion of all that has been going on the Alliance side.


Thanks everyone who came by the Ashenvale Story Night! Pictures of the event

Despite the Moonsoon War being over, I hear that Feathermoon Stronghold has continued to be active over the past week, and a number of people plan to stick around Feralas for a while longer. The night elf scene has always been of roaming nature in terms of hotspots, so enjoy the bustle while it lasts!

Tonight the Wardens gather for their moot:


Slightly late, but yesterday there was a play hosted in Amirdrassil, as part of the DruidCon event organized by Ily. Not to fret if you missed out, the event goes on for two more days, and the finale of the theatrics will unfold tonight!

:round_pushpin: 7:00 PM ST - Meet up at the Terrace of the Moon
:herb: 7:15 PM ST - A small tour with Rethion Moonshred
:shopping: 7:30 PM ST - Arrival at the Basin with shops, workshops, and food
:performing_arts: 8:00 PM ST - Theatre Play: The Nightmare!
:herb::sparkles: Thank you all for coming to Day 1! I hope you enjoyed it!! Tonight is Day 2 of DruidCon with the finale of our play and even more amazing things in store!
Everyone is welcome—druids and non-druids alike, Horde or Alliance. Let’s make it a night to remember!

Updates regarding this event are posted on the Amirdrassil Discord server.


Since the Winterspring Expedition was postponed until a better time, Nifre is hosting a community event to have a spot of snowy fun in the north this month :snowman_with_snow: :

Winterspring Winter Fun

Date: December 12th
Location: Starfall Village

A fun night for folks to enjoy some warm food, company and snow related activity! Food provided by: Moonlit Sandfox, Inky Needles Cafe, Treasure Chest, and Pie in the Sky

  • 20:15 - Snowman Contest! (Ic make a snowman for chance at a fun prize)
  • 21:00 - Snowball fights! Free for all or duels! Or even team matches for fun! (Just for fun!)
  • 21:30 - Storytime at the campfire! (Stories about overcoming hardships or about friends and family!)

The next Crescent Conclave by Ialluen is also fast-approaching:


Screenshot by Ynloeth/Viiumi

Screenshot by Lysondra

With the Winterspring Winter Fun and Crescent Conclave now wrapped up, it seems that night elf-centric events have come to a close for the year.

Looking back at the 2024 event archive, this year has seen such an increase in the number of events organized compared to the past few years! Given the night elf scene doesn’t have a constant roleplay hotspot, I very much hope we’ll see next year also bloom with many gatherings to help people connect.

Wishing everyone cozy and peaceful holidays!



  • A new arrival added to the list of recruiting guilds:

The Guiding Tree - Melah’dor

Like the Ancients who wander the verdant realms of Azeroth, so do the Melah’dor. To travel the wild parts of the world, learn its secrets and enjoy its bounties. We wander the wilds freely!

The Melah’dor provides a place for those willing or seeking a place to study the Druidic ways To learn to preserve the Wilds. To uphold ancient traditions and learn the old path.

We also stand for the Balance together, and will stand against those entities that would bring it harm. We abide by the law of those who protect nature!

The Melah’dor offers to those wanting to take the path to explore the many verdant and other wild places of the world. Expand one’s knowledge in many aspects of Druidism. Go out and hunt together. And more wild adventures!

More information about Melah’dor | Armory


On the Amirdrassil Discord, Tinwëtar published tentative dates for this year’s celebrations organized by The Nightblade Sentinels :

Imbel - 22nd of March
Byltan - 3rd of May
Jurina’tore - 28th and 29th of June
Illuridei - 20th of September
Samha - 1st of November
Illthanyn - 20th of December

More information about each event will be shared in public once they’ve been planned in more detail.


Thank you to everyone who attended the Lunar Festival, both within and beyond the night elf scene!

  • Stay tuned for the event video!

Thank you Cristana for organizing the story night on 2nd of February, which was well attended by the kaldorei.

With festival gowns tucked back into their lockers, what’s happening within some of the night elf guilds right now?

Wishing everyone exciting adventures!