Many people are pointing out that some allied races feel lacking in terms of customization. Others are saying that whatever additional customization we are given for the core races in Shadowlands, it won’t be as cool as getting a proper allied race and we are just going to be the same Bronzebeard dwarves and Darkspear trolls as always.
So here’s hope Blizzard can possibly consider the addition of some kind of optional templates within the new character customization screen.
The assumption is that just the same way they can make certain visual options available to only certain classes and certain customization features depend on one another, they could possibly define a number of customization sub-sets while still leaving all of the options available for the main default race.
It would go like:
Click 1: Choose your faction
- Alliance
- Horde
Click 2: Choose your race
- Human
- Dwarf
- Night Elf
- Gnome
- Draenei
- Worgen
- Pandaren
Click 3: Choose your class
Click 4: Customize!
- On the left: Templates (defaulted to main race with all features available)
- On the right: Customization (as now)
Example templates for Dwarves:
- Bronzebeard (default)
- Wildhammer
- Dark Iron (?)
Example templates for Trolls:
- Jungle Troll (default)
- Sand Troll
- Forest Troll
- Dark Troll
- Ice Troll
- Zandalari (?)
Customization screen mock-ups by Moira (thanks!)
Wildhammer and Dark Iron Dwarves:
Forest and Ice Trolls:
’Dark Ranger’ template for Night and Blood Elves:
’High Elf’ template for Blood and Void Elves:
Obviously we’d also still have the RANDOMIZE button, which would behave differently if an optional template is selected.
So, like, do you want a real quick way to look like a Wildhammer Dwarf?
Select the Wildhammer template in the left, hit randomize and BOOM there ya go.
I know this is rather unlikely to happen for Shadowlands at this stage, but it looks awesome and it would be a great QOL feature which would help broaden and deepen Lore knowledge.
Additionally (but not necessarily) the templates could also be tied to alternate sub-race names or even specific/different racial traits.
The reasoning being, unless a number of the current ‘allied races’ are meant to eventually be re-absorbed by the core races as part of their customization, people are likely to keep asking for ‘proper allied races’ for their favorite sub-race.
Both merging the customization back into the main race as a template or adding alternate demonyms for the extra tribes/clans/subraces connected to a template would solve this issue. Alternatively, an alternate demonym and/or racial skill could be picked as an option when having selected certain specific visuals (tattoos for Dwarves, skin colors for Trolls, etc).
Which brings the logical question…
What sort of templates would YOU like to get for your race?
Templates Q&A: see here
P.S. There was some speculation about this from a dataminer on Twitter.
So while I realize this is most likely wishful thinking… PLEASE MAKE IT REAL…?
And thanks for reading.